My DH is an only child with no first cousins. He hasn't had much exposure to babies other than our 18 month old niece.

I was showing him the gifts from our baby shower and he was completely clueless on what items were or how/why they are used. He thought I was joking when I explained newborns can startle themselves awake without a swaddle. He asked how I knew all this--and I said being an avid HB reader since getting pregnant and time with our niece as a newborn/asking my SIL lots of questions.
We already took a class that was supposed to cover this, but ended up just being labor & delivery. I am really not up for attempting another class, but he seems eager to learn. Other than just talking about it with him I am looking for suggestions on how to educate him.

I am going to order the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD at the suggestion of my brother & SIL. I don't think I am going to get him to read a book (my MIL bought him what to expect in the first year daddy edition that has gone untouched). I am thinking maybe a few HB blogs about life with a newborn/schedules will help too.
Other suggestions? DVDs? Daddy websites? Shouldn't there be a youtube instructional series or something?