We have our first one tomorrow and we're really nervous about it. E HATED cold (or cool, or lukewarm) water. Screams bloody murder. We spent a few nights trying to cool down his bath water to get him used to it, and without AC last weekend I gave him a cool bath to cool him down (I had to get in with him, though, and he didn't stop crying until he'd managed to crawl onto my chest and latch on. I tried slowly drizzling water on him/lowering him into it and he started crying real tears.)

I stopped after a few days because I don't want him to associate bath time with scream-time, and I was concerned it was starting to happen--he'd freak out as soon as I started the bath water, even before he was in it. No bueno.

And not even just in the tub--we were at my IL's last weekend and DH dipped his toes into the pond in their backyard and he immediately screamed.

So I think I'm understandably concerned about how he'll react tomorrow. We've brought him in a (semi-heated) pool once before and he cried the whole time. This is an indoor pool in a retirement village so I'm assuming it'll be on the warmer side, but I'm still imaging he'll freak out and scream.

How did your LO react to the pool? Any tips/advice?