So, my 19 month old seems to think that she NEEDS to use the potty. She sees big brother using it and frequently asks (probably 4-5 times a day) to use the potty. She has figured out how to take her leggings/pants/shorts/whatever off and take her diaper off and so half the time she is running around bottomless wailing "potty!"

Anyways, I texted my husband and said I'm pretty sure she has her heart set on learning BUT I am so not prepared for this. I don't know how to teach someone that young - and she's sat on the potty a LOT over the last month and has only gone potty once. (She actually went poop one of the first times she did it, so I know she at least gets the concept.)

Both of my kids have seemed to want to learn relatively young. My son taught himself at 26 months - he would take off his diaper and go in the toilet so one day I bought him underwear and we never looked back. He just seemed to grasp it more than she does, though.

Has anyone ever taught their eager one and half year old successfully?