Because everyone was so excited about me having a baby, I thought that excitement would continue afterwards, but it hasn't. I'm a bit disappointed by some of my friends. They have not been in touch (except for congratulation texts or FB messages). A couple of friends have been over to meet the baby once, but that's it. These were the same friends who told me that they would love to come give me a break or were going to be visiting the baby all the time. I have had to reach out to a majority of them just to say hi.

It's interesting because the people I least expected (like the girlfriend of a friend) have come by to bring me food, run errands for me, or hold the baby so that I can shower. And she contacted me to ask if I needed help, but none of my close friends who live in the city have even asked.

I'm looking into joining some mom groups, but I feel sad that it seems my close friends don't care.

Has anyone else experienced friend let-down since having children?