My LO has a bad cold and is clearly not herself. She has been abnormally whiney and clingy and only wants mama. It's been going on all week, but was at it's worst today. I can't get anything done. My poor husband has been trying so hard to give me a break, but no matter what he suggests, she shoots him down. He's offered to watch a movie with her, play blocks, go for a walk, etc. She wanted to sit in my lap during dinner, but we gave her the choice of her chair or staying on the floor, and she sat on the floor (and didn't eat). We finally gated her in the family room with him so I could deal with updating my phone up in the office. She sat by the gate a long time and cried. I think she's still sitting there (as I've heard her turn down my husband's offers), but she finally stopped crying.

Have you found anything that works in this kind of situation?