I'm down to pumping once a day at work and don't get much at all (3-4 ounces). i'm nursing morning and night and for MOTN wakings (usually 1 or 2). she loves nursing and tends to reverse cycle a bit.
last night, she woke up ravenous around midnight, nursed, went back down for a few minutes but started kicking her leg (she does this when she's hungry) and then she ate for a full feeding again. then she went to sleep for an hour or so and then did it again! then she finally went back to sleep till morning. I've never seen her wake up so much to feed in such a short time frame (3x in an hour?) - she does have a cold, so that could be it (comfort?) but i was wondering if she's just not getting enough because my supply has dropped.
Does this sound like low supply? Do i need to start giving a bottle at night? or is this just her seeking comfort to go back to sleep because she has a cold? She's 9 months, so you'd think i'd understand breastfeeding by now, but apparently i dont haha.