LO is 8 month old, and has routinely been taking 3 3o-45 minute naps since she was about 4 months old. She's never really been a good napper, but she'd occasionally take a random 1 hour+ nap here and there. Well for the past week-week 1/2 she's been taking at least one 1 hour or longer nap a day, sometimes 2. She even took an unheard of 2 hour morning nap one day this week! She hasn't established a predictable nap schedule yet, so it's still kind of a guessing game with which nap will be the long one, or how long they will be. But I feel like since she's started taking longer naps, that it's been a little bit more difficult to get her to bed at night, and she's seems to be in a pretty light, restless sleep for the first couple of hours. Most nights she wakes back up an average of 1-3 times shortly after going to bed for the night, before finally staying asleep (her bedtime is 7). Does this mean it's getting time to drop a nap? What is the smoothest way to transition?