LO is only 11 months old, and everything I've read suggests that he should still be on two naps, but sometimes it's hit or miss for the morning nap.
His wakes at about 7 every morning, and was going down for his first nap between 9-10, for 45-50 mins. His second nap would be sometime between 1-2, again for 45-50 mins. Very occasionally, he would have a 1 1/2 hr nap in the morning. Probably because he didn't nap long, he would be ready for bed by 6 in the evening. Until 8 1/2 months we used to put him to bed at 7:30, but his nighttime sleep wasn't very good, with lots of wakeups. Since moving to the earlier bedtime, he usually sleeps 12-13 hours through the night. Maybe once or twice a week, he will wake up once between 10:30 or 1, at which time I will feed him and put him back to bed.
However, for the last couple of weeks, he has been fighting his morning nap. I've left him in his crib for up to an hour, during which he would play with his toys, talk to himself, and sometimes cry towards the end. So I'd go get him. He would usually go to sleep really quickly for his afternoon nap (only 45 mins) those days, but then be really cranky by 5:30, so we'd have to put him to bed even earlier.
This weekend (Fri-Sun) he only had one afternoon nap each day, today he's had a morning only (so far). I'm not sure if I should be putting him in his crib or not in the mornings. If we go out anywhere he falls asleep in the car. But if we stay home, he doesn't want to sleep! Why is baby sleep so confusing? What should I be doing?