my DD is almost 8 weeks (so not technically a newborn, but not on a reg schedule during the day). we were doing a baby led schedule where I let her nurse and sleep when she wanted, but now that she is almost 8 weeks I am trying to get her into more of a routine during the day (our nighttime routine is pretty good and she follows that).

my question is, how did you put your newborn down for naps at a certain time? I tried to put her down today in her crib because I saw she was tired, but she cried everytime I put her in awake. normally during the day I just let her fall asleep on my chest and then once she is totally asleep i transfer her to the vibrating bouncer, but she ends up only sleeping for 30 or so minutes in that. I'd like to get longer stretches of naps out of her. I am curious how many naps a day your newborns take and for how long. we are currently on somewhat of a schedule of nurse, active time for an hour or so, then nurse again and sleep for 30 minutes and start over again. as you can see, i dont get a lot of down time!