We just signed up for a Time of Use program with our electric company, so we are now trying to shift our electricity usage to off peak times. We can save up to 40% on our bill, so we are trying to be as mindful as we can about it!

Do you have any tricks for saving energy or water that you’d like to share?

Things we’re doing:

LED Bulbs
Smart thermostat that turns off the heat during peak hours
Showers at night during off peak times
Washing clothes and doing dishes during off peak times
Washing clothes in cold water
Vacuuming the fridge coils monthly
Replacing hvac filters regularly
Water saving shower heads
Turning the temperature differential from 0.5 degrees to 1.5 degrees so the hvac doesn’t cycle so much
Unplug the printer, extra speakers, etc.
Open blinds and curtains during the day to let in light and heat

I’m considering turning our water heater down from 140 to 120, but I can’t help worrying about Legionnaires.