I know this is a challenge many of us face anyway but was wondering how you're all taking time off right now, if you are, especially if you're working and parenting at the same time. This was spurred because my boss keeps encouraging me to take some time off work and I just can't figure out how to really do this. I lead multiple teams who are at the front lines right now so work is crazy busy for me and it would just pile up into the next day if I simply sign off email for the day, which means I'm then spending less time with my kid, which I'm struggling to do anyway. And my typical time off approaches in "normal" times are to take a day when my daughter is in school and go somewhere by myself or with DH - see a movie, wander around a downtown area, have lunch and read. Literally all things I can't do right now lol So "time off" would basically just be not checking email, which just would mean parenting 100% of the day, which is fine but it's hardly time off. So wondering if anyone has cracked this nut somehow (or just commiseration - I see you!)