Hellobee Boards


How long did it take to get pregnant w #2?

  1. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    Wasn't trying, was 9 months pp when I got pregnant with number 2.

  2. Blueberry

    apricot / 342 posts

    # 1 and # 2 - one month.. I'm still kind of in shock because I didn't expect it to be that fast

  3. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    I don't think it happens as fast for most people as it does on HB. We tried 3 cycles, and are now on a break due to medical stuff, not fertility related (although who knows, maybe it's affecting things somehow.) might try again within the next couple months depending how things go.

    Oh, and were in our 20s, generally healthy, and conceived lo in 1 month, for whatever that's worth.


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