And at what point did you feel you were finished?

We've been doing sleep-training (something between CIO and extinction) for over a week now. He now naps in his PnP, going down almost exactly 2 hours after he wakes up from the previous one, and usually for 1-2 hours. Previously, he would only fall asleep nursing in my arms and sleep maybe 20 minutes. I've also stopped nursing him to sleep at night, and putting him down awake in the PnP.

He usually cries for about 10 minutes before he falls asleep at night (and usually around 5 before a nap). He wakes up 1-2 times during the night to nurse.

Would you consider this successful or do you think we still have a lot of work to do? At what point did you consider your LO sleep trained? It's been over a week now, should he be falling asleep on his own without crying yet?