It's been a week now and LMW is still waking crying 2-3 times a night. If we don't go to her, she now vomits within the first few minutes of crying, and not just spit anymore... it's food vomit. So if we don't want to change sheets and rebathe, we have to go to her RIGHT away. I only have two mattress pads so we can only let her vomit once..!!

She's almost 20 months now. I don't even know what to do anymore. Last night I got so desperate, I brought her to our bed... we are NOT cosleepers... but she just rolled around happily then stood up and started banging on our headboard and laughing.

I'm thinking of just setting up some blankets and sleeping on the floor in her room, or right outside her door. That's basically what we've been doing, sitting outside her door until she's asleep, and she seems happy with that... but it doesn't change the fact that she's still up 2-3 times a night. She lies back down and stops crying when we poke our head in the door and tell her to lie back down. I tried doing it over the monitor speaker last night and she quieted down, but I was "shhh"ing for over half an hour straight and she'd always start crying as soon as I stopped.

Wagon Sr. and I are at our wits end...!! We're exhausted!!! She must be, too. All three of us are waking every 3-5 hours every night, all night. It is awful.
