DH and I just started TTC #1 about a month and a half ago. I am a teacher so if I get KU this cycle, I'll have an end of June due date. My only concern with this is that my maternity leave will be over the summer. I definitely want to be back to school by the end of August. Having a sub in for you to start the year seems like it gets your year going on the wrong foot to me. We may take a few months off if this cycle is unsuccessful too so I won't have to take off during that important time of the year. A late June baby would give me approximately 8 weeks at home. I always planned to take 12 weeks because that's what FMLA allows, but like I said before, I don't want to miss the beginning of the year. Is 8 weeks too short? How long was your maternity leave? I am particularly interested in hearing from WOHMs, but WAHMs feel free to respond as well! Multiple options enabled for multiple maternity leaves.