So, I just found our my SIL is handing down her collection of Bamboozles size 1 fitted diapers to us, but we will need to buy our own covers (she is still using her one size covers). We are getting 24 size 1 fitteds. When she is done with her size 2 fitteds, she will give us those and the covers as well, but it will be able 6mos-1year after our LO is born.
I was planning on using pocket diapers, and already have 8 fuzzibunz and 8 AMP pockets. I was wondering how many covers one would need with the 24 fitteds? I was thinking 6-8 but I am not sure!
Anyone using fitted liners/prefolds have any input for me?
I am thinking of Rumparooz one size covers, anyone use these? What are your favourite diaper covers?
PS - Here is the link to the bamboozles liners if you are interested: