DH has a low morphology of 4%, with the rest of his numbers excellent. My CD3 labs and HSG were great. My LP hovers around 11 days, and I suspect I might have weak ovulation based on a high stress level. I did one femara cycle last year before all our testing was done, which resulted in a 14 day LP, but no BFP. DH uses his laptop on his lap frequently, so we decided to stop that, add supplements, and retest after 3 months (this month). The plan is if the numbers are improved, to do femara, and if not, see RE rather than the OB. A huge stress is now over, and we're hoping the morphology has improved. The challenge is that the SA takes 7 days, and I have to decide now whether to use femara this month. I've heard there are only certain number of times you can use clomid- is this the case for femara? If his numbers aren't improved, I don't want to waste a femara cycle if there is a limit.