I have to admit we spoil Mavrick a little too much. Majority of the time, I say no and the hubs keeps wanting to get stuff for him. So there he is with a room of toys and barely plays with it all. In my defense, we don't have as many toys as some of my friends kids and what he doesn't play with I sell or put away.

But when it comes to holidays how many gifts to you get? I've been buying all kinds of stuff on massive sale and stocking. So I think Mavrick will only have 2 from us. 1 on the 24th and 1 on the 25th (seeing it's my inlaws and then my family)

But I could give him 10 gifts if I wanted to seeing the closet is stocked with gifts. I might actually put up stockings this year and fill them with small stuff.

How about you?