I hate running, but I want to love it SO badly. I also can't run, but I am trying! I can't even run one mile without slowing down or stopping.
how many miles can you run consecutively?
I hate running, but I want to love it SO badly. I also can't run, but I am trying! I can't even run one mile without slowing down or stopping.
how many miles can you run consecutively?
grapefruit / 4923 posts
zero! i did the couch to 5k program a few years ago and got up to a couple of miles, but that was the apex of my running career.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
I do 3 consistently. I could probably do 5 if I had the time.
Eta: I used to hate it too.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
I used to run (on average) 40 miles a week! Now I think I can crank out maybe 3 or so . . . ? It's been too long since I have *stretched* mah legs! : /
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@edelweiss: I have started that at several different times and never got beyond a mile because I had a hard time just keeping up with it.
@Silva: do you enjoy it now?
honeydew / 7811 posts
1st question: am I being chased?
I'm not that bad of a runner, I just have trouble self motivating.
I usually do 3ish miles on the treadmill when I have time for the gym. Sometimes that includes slowing down and walking some.
pomelo / 5509 posts
Probably 6 or so right now, but regularly run anywhere from 2-4 a few times a week. I've literally been running for more than half.ky life though! The more you do it, the easier it becomes! Taking walking breaks is perfectly fine when you're just starting out.
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@MsLipGloss: ..wat. I can't. What. 40 MILES!? Jesus. I don't even drive 40 miles some weeks haha!
Umm, I'll go with the safe answer of 0. I could walk a mile or two no problem but I can't run from my desk to my car without getting out of breath. So embarrasing.
pear / 1531 posts
Before pregnancy, I could run ten miles. 8 weeks postpartum and the most I have done is 2.5!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@Mrs. Pen: yes! I just kept doing it, and a switch went off! Also, I started playing soccer, and that helped because I wanted to be more in shape. It's really relaxing for me now, and gives me so much energy. It's tough in winter, but I try to keep it up.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Mrs. Pen: Same! I have tried so many times to start and I can't even do a mile without stopping.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
I really can't. I just do interval training. I can sometimes make it two miles on a good day, but it's really hard on me! I prefer to run hard, walk a little, run hard, walk a little.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
I used to run about 10 a day with my golden retriever. Now we are both lucky if we don't huff and puff from a 2 mile walk.
nectarine / 2358 posts
At the height of my fitness, maybe 2 miles? And that's a mayyyybe. Now? Bahahaha. I'm thinking of taking a nap right now and even that is making me tired. Preggo problems.
coconut / 8234 posts
I can run a 5k with no training. I haven't been a consistent runner since high school. I haven't worked out in forever, but it's like my body remembers and can chug along. I always wanted to run a 5k and the first time I went running again in AGES was last summer and I did a loop around the park (3.35 miles). It wasn't the easiest, but I did it again and again...until I got a job and stopped running, ha.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@MrsTiz: Running (and pilates!) got me through a few rough patches in my life. It was (overall) less problematic than drinking (in that it's totally okay to run alone . . . nobody thinks that just because you are running alone that you have a *running prollem*), and cheaper than constantly shopping!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Mrs. Pen: @Smurfette: Yes, yes you can. Running really is 90% a mental game . . . what it took for me was knowing that the first few minutes of every run were going to suck. Suck ass, actually. But that if I pushed through those minutes, on the other side, I would be in a groove with my stride/breathing, etc., and that I could settle in and let it ride.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@MsLipGloss: 100% agree. Running was my decompressing / destressing time. My only regret is that now my golden has pretty bad hips and they think it's from all her years of running. Boo!
pear / 1998 posts
I HATE running, but I'm doing a 5K in 5 weeks so I just started training yesterday and went 5 miles (only running for 2 minutes every half mile) and I'm hurting today. I could probably run for a half mile before walking.
I want to get that runner's high so badly, but I've never come close. I can swim for hours though
eggplant / 11287 posts
I hate running with a passion but yesterday I ran two without stopping. I am not gonna say I was fast....I was really freaking slow. But I didn't walk.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@blackbird: That's probably more effective than just straight up running (for the calorie/fat burning aspect of running).
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I can't run, like physically can't run due to my knees. But I can elliptical 2 miles without stopping
watermelon / 14467 posts
Prior to pregnancy, I could run 13 miles or so. After pregnancy...I can go 1/2 a mile without walking. Baby steps.
bananas / 9628 posts
Ugh, none even when I was in the best shape of my life, I wasn't a good runner.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
I usually run 3x a week usually 3 miles. But I think I could run farther, at least 5 miles....but I don't think my son could tolerate much longer than 30 mins in the jogging stroller, sadly.
honeydew / 7444 posts
I used to do 30-50k/week but it's been a long time since having LO. I can easily do 3 miles without having run for a while. I find that the first 10 minutes are the hardest. Totally a mental game!! Once i get past the first 10 minutes it's a breeze!!
papaya / 10473 posts
I was a cross country runner all through high school and college, and did half marathons pre-baby. Post-baby? Maybe 3 miles. Slowly.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
I've done 2 marathons in my lifetime...
These days though I stick to 10ks. Id like to do a half in the fall!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@LuLu Mom: before J I easily did 5 miles on elliptical - still couldn't run
@MsLipGloss: my sister always drilled that into my head too. She was a long distance runner for awhile and also told me, "just a little more... you can do just a little more."
@Silva: good to know! I just need to keep trying.
pineapple / 12526 posts
@MsLipGloss: Im actually just getting to the point where running is becoming a stress relief for me. Im really starting to enjoy it.
I can do about 1-1.5 currently. Last summer, I couldnt run 20ft. Its been a slow process.
pineapple / 12566 posts
I haven't tried to run in years following a knee injury. In high school/college I could run 6-7 and barely break a sweat! I ran 18 on my 18th birthday!
pomelo / 5257 posts
The most I've run without walking at ALL is a 5K. I've also done a 10K race but I stopped to walk a couple of times. Still finished in just a little over an hour though. I actually think I finish races faster if I walk a few times because then I can run faster during the parts that I run
nectarine / 2272 posts
I ran a five mile recently but that including some slowing down/walking. Legit running without slowing down - probably a mile.
honeydew / 7091 posts
Oh geez... 0.1 miles? It's pretty pathetic... I don't really ever try though - I much prefer swimming (not that I've done that in a long time, either!)
papaya / 10560 posts
Now, prob 0. I'm really hoping post baby 2 I can get my run back. I ran XC in HS and ran for fun in college and beyond. The furthest I've run is a little longer than marathon distance.
nectarine / 2932 posts
Last year I did 6.2 without stopping! This year - I could maybe do 1 without stopping? I signed up for (and completed) several races last year in the hopes that I'd learn to love running. Nope! It never got fun for me, and I always dreaded it. I'm proud of myself for doing it though!
pomelo / 5220 posts
13.1. I completed my 3rd half marathon at 6w pregnant. Now, at 16w I'm down to 3 mile stretches before I must pee!
Even if you think you hate it, I really believe you can learn to love running. I went from running less than a mile and being terribly out of shape to running a half marathon in 4 months. I set myself to a schedule and learned to tough it out mentally. It really is wonderful therapy and decompression time.
grapefruit / 4442 posts
I use to be able to do 3 but i dont think I can run 3 blocks now LOL
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