Hellobee Boards


How much did your baby cost you?

  1. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    I think you kind of have to include your annual insurance costs, so while we paid $0 for the birth, I was still paying $250 a month for my insurance coverage.

  2. jape14

    pear / 1586 posts

    Prenatal care was $20 total - I just had to pay my copay for the first appointment to confirm the pregnancy.

    I think my delivery was $550 total? It was an extra $100 bc I work at a university with lots of local hospitals, but the hospital where I delivered (closest to my house) is affiliated with the other big university in our area. Overall, my insurance is pretty good.

  3. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @looch: when you put it that way, we spent a small fortune having kids. Literally a down payment on a house, if we are factoring in insurance costs.

    Otherwise, we paid a few thousand for our of pocket IF expenses + about $3,000 delivery/hospital for DD1 and ~$1,000 out of pocket IF expenses and $0 delivery/hospital for DD2.

  4. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    With M we paid around $3,000 out of pocket for delivery, prenatal care, co pays, etc.

    This time I am on my DHs plan and he works for the state and they have great insurance so after our $250 deductible is met, as long as everything is in network, that will be all.

  5. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    $0 in Australia. Love universal healthcare

  6. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    I think I ended out paying in the 4-6 k range. Can't remember bc all the bills come seperately! I kinda expected it based on deductible and max OOP.

  7. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    $180 for her hospital care. We hit our deductible with my husband's hand surgery, otherwise it would have been about 2k.

  8. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: @looch: oh yeah. That's a scary number. Although because of that rising cost, I switched to a high deductible plan this year and will actually save loads of money because of having T this way over last years' plan

  9. YouGotMe

    apricot / 477 posts

    From IF treatment day 1 to the day we were discharged from the hospital, it cost 197 (IF med's 77.00, private hospital room for three days 120.00)

    I am in Canada.

  10. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @blackbird: yeah dude that was with our high deductible plan.

    We are done having kids & switched to a standard plan this year and feel like freaking millionaires.

  11. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    I am on a zero deductible plan and my employer covers premiums so with DD I paid a 20 dollar copay for prenatal care and 50 for my l&d c-section and 5 days in the hospital. All things being equal it should be roughly the same for the twins.

  12. Ginabean3

    pomegranate / 3401 posts

    Nothing for prenatal care (all was included in my insurance), $250 copay for delivery and $250 copay for her NICU stay. Although we got her itemized NICU stay bill and it was $800k.... thank god for insurance.....

  13. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    Probably around 1k for prenatal care, labs, etc. plus easily several hundred just in gas money back and forth every week to the OB! Haha

    Delivery and care for me and LO (including her heart specialist visit and EKG) were around $3k total.

    The insurance I had at the time was "good" employer paid coverage. My pregnancy spanned 2 insurance years.

  14. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: dolla dolla bills!

  15. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    $6k which was my deductible over 2 plan years. Next baby will cost me like $100 since I'm starting a new job at a health system - so excited!!

  16. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Our OOP max is $2500, I think. So shouldn't be more than that. Well, technically I was pregnant before the end of last year, so we would have had a few copays, but we had already hit my max for the year.

    The termination last year was $25,000, up front, but insurance reimbursed us for all but the $2,500 OOP amount. I don't know of any reason why this birth would be any different for our personal costs, though I have no idea what the bill amount will be for insurance to pay.

  17. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    DH has really good health insurance so all prenatal care and delivery stuff is covered. LO cost us $0 out of pocket.

    When I had a miscarriage, we had a co-pay for my follow-up appointment because it wasn't considered "pre-natal". So that pregnancy cost us $15. For some reason, that bugs me even now.

  18. miramira

    apricot / 411 posts

    £0 in the UK

  19. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    $0 for #1, induction
    $500 for #2, normal labor (well as normal as almost giving birth in the car, lol)
    Two different insurance plans

  20. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    LO isn't here yet but I'm at 27 weeks and have so far paid $50 for all prenatal care (numerous bloodwork, genetic testing, anatomy scan, etc). I have to get the Rhogam shot at my next appointment but I don't know if I will owe anything for that.

  21. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    About 17 grand... but that was making her as an embryo.

  22. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    $270 for each girl. $20 copay for first prenatal visit, and $250 hospital copay.

  23. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    The actual birth cost $0, but we hired a doula, so I add that cost in. We paid about $500.

  24. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    We only paid for DH's stay (dinner, breakfast and lunch). I don't remember exactly how much, but it was under $50. We live in Sweden.

  25. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    Last time pregnancy and delivery were $0 (Canada) but I spent about $1200 on herbs and $4,000 on acupuncture to actually get pregnant. This time immigration issues mean we don't get free healthcare so it has been $60 per appointment, $162 per ultrasound (3 so far) and $30 monthly thyroid blood tests. If our issues aren't resolved we will be heading back to the UK to the birth where it will be 100% free.

  26. miramira

    apricot / 411 posts

    My heart goes out to anyone who is uninsured in the US. Holy crap. What a spectacular shambles of a system.

  27. erwoo

    pomegranate / 3053 posts

    We had a high deductible PPO plan with #1 so about $3500 out of pocket with a section. More if you count all the prenatal visits. labs, and ultrasounds. With #2 we switched to a PPO plan (it was a federal plan) that paid for it ALL with both another section, prenatal visit, labs, and ultrasounds (had more with this baby).

    Wish we had knew better with #1. Definitely call to get details of their maternity plans so you either pay less or nothing. Every plan is different depending on what your employer negotiated with the insurance carriers. If you're lucky, they have one that pays for everything. Sometimes it costs a little bit more but it pays off, especially having to figure out all the bills after giving birth. We just paid it b/c we were too tired to look at what it was for with #1.

  28. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    First 2: 0$
    Third: 108$ for an ultrasound since I went to a private clinic in Ontario while I live in Quebec - RAMQ only covers procedures done in hospitals. RAMQ will reimburse me, Ive just been lazy about submitting it.

  29. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @miramira: seriously.

  30. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    @looch: $250 on top of what our employer contributes or your plan costs $250? Is that just you or family?

    @miramira: yup. Even with insurance, by the time you count deductibles, co pays, and premiums, births cost thousands and thousands of dollars.

    But heaven forbid our taxes go up!

  31. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    Probably about $3,500 total for prenatal care, 3 unscheduled hospital visits, an induction and c section.

  32. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    Close to 7k. It was definitely a deterrent in considering #2.

    But with my insurance at my job now it'll be a total of $25 (one-time OBGYN co-pay).

    I guess technically $50, since I paid a $25 co-pay to have my IUD removed in Jan.

  33. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    $0! My HMO insurance made that possible. Kaiser worked out wonderfully for me and my baby, and I had some complications as well.

    I take that back, I did have to pay $30 copay for my appointment with my first miscarriage when I thought I needed a D & C. Luckily everything had passed, but 30 dollars was worth not having the procedure! I guess that's not even directly related to having this baby. I did have a small copay for my motrin and colace.

  34. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    0$, including a week long nicu stay. This thread is super eye opening, I had no idea it cost so much out of pocket to have a baby in the US.

  35. Eminthevalley

    apricot / 343 posts

    $0 but the statements I received after delivery...oh my. Over $40K for twin delivery, full term no NICU. I shudder to think what it could have been! I am in the US and have Kaiser Permanente.

  36. Mrs. Bee

    admin / watermelon / 14210 posts

    a lot with charlie since i ended up with a c-section. not sure of the exact number since we got so many bills from so many different departments, but it was definitely over 5k.

    but all my fertility treatments, visits, clomid, ultrasounds were completely covered.

  37. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    About $300 for 3 ultrasounds. I have found somewhere that bulk bills so for LO #2 our only expense should be a portion of the anatomy scan.

  38. Peasinapod

    clementine / 770 posts

    I'm from Canada so baby cost 0$ although I had a semi private room for my 2 day stay afterwards so without my insurance it would have cost something.

    But again, so shocked by the costs in the United States, and so thankful for our healthcare system. I was telling my friends about what I've learned on this site and they couldn't beleive it.

    I'm also thankful for our year long job protected maternity leave with ei benefits. I was originally bummed because my employer doesn't top up what the government gives. But seeing it could be 12 weeks with no pay, or in my case (NGO with only 12 employees) no leave at all, I'm so so thankful!

    You're an amazing group of mamas who make it work in the United States and other less baby friendly countries.

  39. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    @jedeve: I gave birth abroad, where the law is that everyone must have health insurance. There are no employer funded plans, it is completely private, but there are different plans you can purchase.

    $250 per month is what it cost to insure only me. My husband and son were another $250 each.

  40. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    Prenatal care for both kids was about 1500/each. I met my 6000 deductible with DD (newborn care, 3 nights in hospital med free birth--I didn't even give birth at the hospital! ambulance cost a ton). DS was around 5-6k too...3 nights med free birth, newborn care, etc.

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