Hellobee Boards


How much did your baby cost you?

  1. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    re: insurance payment costs: When my insurance was just myself, costs were low---maybe only $40 a month. I have really great insurance when it's just for the employee. But now that I pay for LO and my husband (because my insurance is better than his), it's $500/month.

    Considering how often one of us goes to the doctor, I guess that's still an okay deal and it's taken out pre-tax soooo it makes my income smaller. Silver lining.

  2. RsMom

    cherry / 233 posts

    I ended up with an induction, c-section and a three week NICU stay for LO, which cost 0$ since I'm in Canada.

  3. petunia354

    pomegranate / 3863 posts

    It cost our entire $6,000 deductible but considering his birth plus nicu stay was well over $100,000, I'd say we got the better end of the deal. Now we have a $10,000.00 deductible and need to plan for the next birth.


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