This week my LO -she will be 3wks on Saturday- is barely getting any sleep. It's not that we're not putting her to sleep. She just refuses to nap during the day! I know she's overtired but we try to put her down to nap she just won't!

Yesterday she napped for the first time at 3:30pm, the day before 5:30 pm and today 7;30pm! Besides that the only time she sleeps is for like 30minutes in our arms. Once we go to put her down she cries.

I would say she's getting on average 10hrs MAX of sleep a day this past week. Aren't newborns supposed to be sleeping 16-20hrs a day!?!? Is it just a phase??

I'm a little worried that she's not getting enough rest. I'm calling the ped tomorrow to double check.