We are into week three of E's school Christmas break. It's the longest she has been home with me since she was 6 months old (I'm currently on maternity leave with #2). Her behaviour has been gradually getting worse and worse this last week and I know it's because she is bored..... But I can't be entertaining her constantly, can I?

I've said it before on here - her need for attention is insatiable. She won't even watch TV without me actively watching it with her her and discussing every minute detail. We bought her a trampoline for Christmas, but she won't even let you zone out while she's jumping, she calls you out for not paying enough attention. I set up a play date for her yesterday with a friend's daughter, who is the same age. But she spent most of the time thrusting toys at me ("eat this cake") or telling me that the other girl snatched something or wasn't sharing. I barely got to speak to the other mum.

I.just.cant. I can't be her personal entertainer for 12hrs a day. I'm happy to do some play, some craft etc, but she needs to entertain herself for a good portion of the time, surely? I'm happy to set up an activity - coloring for example - then she needs to sit and do it without my participation. But I feel terrible because I can see how bored she is. She simply won't enjoy any activity unless I'm doing it with her. I feel like it's my fault she is misbehaving (and then getting told off) because it's so obvious that she's bored....

How much time do you spend actively engaging your LO? Help me feel less guilty!