Hi there! I'm new to hellobee and hoping to get some advice about EP. My baby (#2) is 4 weeks old and I've been EP since week 1. I had a horrible experience bfing my first baby and turned to EP when she was about 8 weeks. I never EP with baby #1 so early on, so I feel a bit lost. I'm wondering if 3 ounces sounds like enough for a feed. Baby usually feeds every 2-3 hours but the past couple of nights, she's been having at least one 1.5 hour spacing which is driving me nuts. I'm also pumping only 4 times a day and I get about 32 ounces. I had oversupply with baby #1 also and got by with 3 pumps a day for her. Has anyone had this experience too, where you have a good supply early on? I'm hoping it'll stay constant as baby gets bigger but there are so many unknowns in the land of EP. Any tips also for increasing the time between her night feeds would be greatly appreciated.