When we were at the hospital, dr said I can feed up to 2oz of formula a feed because I was not making enough milk (was on colostrum til I got home)... Well, my milk is slowly coming in and right now, I'm feeding on demand during the day and boy, are they demanding. Looks like they need to feed every hour and a half...drs said to breast feed every 2-3 hours on breastmilk and about 4 hours on formula. We feed formula starting the nighttime to early morning. So far, that's about 2-3 times, but less than 4 hours.

They have enough wet diapers. Not the best poopy diapers...

I'm trying to feed them pumped milk from the formula session during the day (making about 20-30ml as of yesterday, which is about 1/3 of 2oz - 1 oz... So little! Lol. My SIL said she made about 3oz per boob....so hopefully I can make enough to phase them out of formula and even start to stash! Not sure how much they should be eating by now though. They were officially 1 week old yesterday.

Any ideas? Tips? Websites I can read up on?

Thanks in advance.