Does your spouse travel for work or do you stay at home? What are the reasons that you end up parenting without your spouse around?
I don't have to parent solo often, which I really appreciate.
Does your spouse travel for work or do you stay at home? What are the reasons that you end up parenting without your spouse around?
I don't have to parent solo often, which I really appreciate.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
I'm a SAHM so I had LO all day until she started going to school. And DH does have to travel for work (sometimes it's a few days every week for a month or two, then he has weeks of no travel, and sometimes he has to be gone all week every once in awhile). And then there are random weekend days that he's gone (he has season tickets for football). But I get a weekend days where he takes LO out for the day while I go on a shopping date with my friends or I go away for a weekend with friends.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
Every day. My husband doesn't get home until right at bed time. So I do the whole afternoon/evening routine for both kids by myself every day.
grapefruit / 4085 posts
I sah so I do it a lot. My husband's a teacher though so is officially off for the summer, which is fantastic for all of us!
cherry / 174 posts
Not for huge amounts of time. My husband has long workouts on weekend mornings, so I have LO on my own for a 3-4 hours then. He has her on his own every Wednesday night when I go to dinner with my girlfriends, but I don't leave the house until an hour before bath time, so it's not too bad for him.
grapefruit / 4584 posts
@Truth Bombs: This. DH travels sometimes for work, but it's honestly not that different in the amount of work I do, except on the weekend. Most nights he's just getting home around bath/bed time (or after the kids are in bed), and he generally needs a few minutes to unwind, wants to fire up the grill, etc., so I finish the nighttime routine anyway. He's not a morning person, so he doesn't help in the AM, even if we're getting out the door before he leaves for work.
pomegranate / 3779 posts
DH travels 1-2 weeks a month and he's typicaly gone Mon morning through Friday morning. When he's in town, he plays sports with his friends 1-2 nights per week, so I'd say 35-40% of the time I'm on my own for dinner and bedtime. When he's in town, he handles 90% of the morning stuff, so I get to sleep a little more.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
I solo alot. Since my husband went back to work I solo parent alot. He had two OOT business trips. Even with him working at the local office he leaves before daycare opens and gets home very late.
pear / 1657 posts
Typically not too often, but DH just accepted a job in another state and is moving a month before LO and I, so it is about it be all the time
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
@Truth Bombs: @PinkElephant: same here - most nights he's getting home just in time for bedtime stories. So I do dinner and bath time during the week. He's also usually out the door before us in the morning too so I'm also getting her ready everyday during the week
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
I stay home and DH squeezes all his hours into 3.5 days so is gone before the kids wake up and gets back at bedtime or sometimes later. But then he finishes early on a Tuesday and has Thursdays off, which is great. He just had a four-night break with his friends so I was alone with the kids the whole time. Bedtimes sucked but it was nice in some ways, as I had the car - he usually takes it to work - and had lots of freedom.
persimmon / 1322 posts
Every day during the week. I work as a nanny, and bring my little one to work with me. My husband usually works Monday through Friday, leaves before 6 am, and often isn't back until 6 pm. On the weekends, I sleep in and shower baby-free while kiddo spends time with dad.
papaya / 10570 posts
Well, DH leaves for work at 7am so I do the morning routine and drop off solo every day. I then do pick up and dinner solo as he gets in just before E goes to bed. He also works Saturday mornings so I'm solo with both kids then, too.
pineapple / 12053 posts
DH is a firefighter with 24 hour shifts, so i solo parent 10-15 days a month, some days i WAH and other days R has preschool.
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
M-F. He sees the kids very briefly each morning and that's it.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
All day, every day... I SAH and DH works long hours, plus has a long commute, so he's out of the house long before the kids wake up in the morning and gets back home in time to give them a kiss goodnight if I'm lucky. It can make for some very long weeks sometimes as our oldest is only in preschool three mornings a week and the other two are home full time.... I would love more than anything for DH to work more normal hours, but this is the nature of his industry and there's not a whole lot he can do about it
pear / 1558 posts
A lot. DH works long hours & is in school & I SAH. I let LO stay up until he gets home most nights, & sometimes she'll be happy enough to sit with us for our late dinner. He then does the bedtime routine (with me nursing LO in between diaper/jammies and stories/songs).
nectarine / 2018 posts
I stay at home and DH works a minimum of 50 hours a week. So a lot. Dh's schedule is odd though so some days he doesn't leave until after lunch but gets home when I'm sleeping and some days he leaves first thing in the morning but is home mid afternoon. He also works every weekend and has two week days off. I hate his schedule but he really enjoys his job and anything in his field would have a similar schedule.
nectarine / 2243 posts
Every Monday thru Friday. And that's without work travel (DH was most recently in South America for 6 months. That sucked)
nectarine / 2521 posts
All the time. DH is a pilot so he's gone and totally unavailable for 4-5 days a week sometimes. This weekend he goes to Africa for 5 days, ugh. The major benefit is that when it's not busy season he is home a lot.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Only a couple nights a week. DH is SAHP now so kids are his domain right now.
kiwi / 595 posts
I SAH, but don't consider that solo parenting time, that's just my day. A few evenings a month DH has late meetings, additionally he travels 12-16 weeks a year, in 2 week increments. That's what I truly consider my solo time, when there's no break, no additional adult in the house.
coconut / 8430 posts
Oh wow lots of you ladies are solo a ton.
I typically don't need to do much solo. I pick up LO from school and DH is home 30-60 min after we get home. Right now on I'm on mat leave and I have LO1 in school only part of the day so I can spend more time with her.
persimmon / 1096 posts
Mon-Fri 7:30 am to 5 pm. I don't really mind (most days). I chose to SAH and I like having control of our day
Luckily he can make it home for 99% of our evening routin (dinner/bathtime/bedtime) and neither of us do extra "stuff" at night or on the weekends, so it's family time all the time when he's not at work.
pear / 1823 posts
I SAH so the kids are with me from wake up until 6 or so during the week. I don't really count that as solo parenting though. DH travels about one week a month so that's my "solo parenting" time. Somehow, being alone on the weekend with the kids seems harder.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
Like others said, I SAH so during the dummy it's expected that I'm solo parenting. But he usually gets home right around bedtime or after and that sucks- that last hours of finishing dinner and getting both kids ready for bed alone when everyone is tired and in a bad mood sucks. He travels occasionally for work which is extra hard right now with two kids who wake up at night sometimes. Luckily his travel has been pretty light recently.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
A couple of nights a week depending on his teaching schedule but it's not bad at all.
ETA: Neither of us travel for work.
pear / 1718 posts
@Truth Bombs: @PinkElephant: @sandy: We both WOH FT. When DH is not travelling, during the week I get myself ready for work and LO ready for daycare, DH does drop off, I do pick up, and then I'm on my own for dinner/bath/bed. He tries to make it home during the week for bath/bed, but it doesn't happen that often. He also travels a good bit, so of course on those days/weeks, I am totally on my own.
persimmon / 1445 posts
I am a SAHM, DH is a restaurant manager so he works crazy hours. I am solo probably 4 nights a week or so when he works double shifts and comes home at like 11-12. He does get a weekday or two off and he will come to DD's activities which she loves (or we can do a little daytrip when places are less busy). I miss him for dinner though.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
During the school year, not much. During the summer I'm home all day. He leaves right after wake ups and is home after bed most days.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
Not much at all. Probably less than an hour per day on average (I do daycare drop-off/pick-up and also watch her on the mornings when he goes to crossfit). Every so often he travels for work so I solo for a day or two but that's only a few times per year.
eggplant / 11824 posts
Usually 1-2 nights a week. It depends some on his teaching schedule. I also usually take at least 1 weekend day solo parenting (and sometimes the evening as well), but that should be pretty short-lived as my husband is writing a book and once that's done will have more free time.
persimmon / 1286 posts
SAHM here- during the week, husband gets up with our toddler and feeds him breakfast, I do the rest of the day including bath and bed. He travels for work every 8-10 weeks and then it's all me but it's really not that bad for 3-4 days. More than that and I start to go a little crazy.
cantaloupe / 6669 posts
I'm a SAHM. All day long on the week days. He's left for work by the time she wakes up and gets home a couple hours before bedtime. There are days every so often when he works late or has stuff going on that she doesn't see him at all.
I can't imagine what it's like to hardly ever or never be one on one with LO! I really treasure our family time on the weekends.
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