We just got back from E's 9 (.5) month well-baby visit.

His official stats:

Weight: 21 lb 8 oz (74th percentile)
Height: 29.7" (87.5th percentile)
Head: 17.8" (47th percentile)
Teeth: 8, with more apparently in the works.
Clothing size: 9-12m
Most recent milestone: A few unassisted toddles and babbling (which was a late one for us).
Next milestone: We're on the cusp of a lot--he can stand by himself, but only for a few seconds at a time. He can toddle between me and DH, but he's not really controlling it well. He's started looking at me and saying "mamamamama" but not really talking yet.

His pedi also said she can feel some swelling where his molars will be coming through, but she thinks it'll probably be at least a month before they erupt

How old is your LO and what are their stats?