So, LO is officially 8 weeks as of yesterday and she is a very good sleeper. She has started sleeping most of the way through the night, waking somewhere between 4-5am to eat and then back to bed.

Currently, I rock/pat her to sleep but I would love to start getting her to fall asleep on her own. Right now, there are nights where I have to pick her up and put her back down several times before she's asleep. A lot of the time, she falls asleep eating her nighttime bottle.

Our night routine is not super set right now. Normally, I make her last bottle at 7pm. We change into our PJs and swaddle and then she eats. We sit on the couch for a few minutes, burp and then we go upstairs, turn on the white noise machine and sit in the rocking chair until I put her down. I figure I'll have to start feeding her and then putting on PJs at the very least.

Any advice, ladies? I really don't want her to become dependent on rocking to sleep but I'm not sure where to start.