This fall I posted about my daycare threatening to kick out my son (28 months now, 26 at the time) for being intermittently difficult/disruptive. Since I posted that thread we have figured out that his freakouts are triggered by something *very* specific, and have worked together with daycare and they have totally worked around it and he is doing much better, which is great. Just curious if anyone has any thoughts/insight into this, because everyone we've talked to IRL is like, that is the strangest thing and I have never heard of anything like it.
So: my son HATES "parties", which includes actual parties, but also basically any display of collective enthusiasm whatsoever. The problems at daycare were with circle time and singing happy birthday (the kickout threat happened after 3 kids had birthday parties in one week). He hates all clapping, when people say "yay" at ANY volume/level of enthusiasm, he gets really upset at the episode of Paw Patrol when there's a dog show and Rocky wins and the rest of the dogs cheer, etc--if that episode is on and he knows the cheer is coming he'll tell me he doesn't want to see the party and ask me to skip to the end. We started potty training and when he goes on the potty he loves to be told great job dude, and he loves high-fiving--but if you clap or cheer, he will yell, "no party mommy, I don't want a party!" It isn't a noise sensitivity--we initially thought it was but he reacts the same at any noise level. My SIL and her kids were here last weekend and they are very religious and pray before meals--her kids (same age) insisted that we say the Lord's Prayer at dinner 3 nights in a row--my son was yelling over us, "no party! no prayers I don't like prayers!" Mostly we are trying not to crack up but are totally baffled. FWIW he was evaluated and observed by my girlfriend's mother who has been a state EI specialist for 25 years, I told her to please not sugarcoat it for me if she thought anything was going on and she assured me she wouldn't--and she (and his ped) think that he's totally healthy and very verbally/developmentally advanced. He's also super social and outgoing--just a little fascist about this particular thing.
So, any thoughts on this or do you know any little kids that have similar triggers? It's easy to adapt to it, but his fixation bizarrely affects us quite a bit.