So DS2 started daycare last week. Overall I’ve been happy with it, but I’m really upset about an incident today. When I picked him up, he was asleep in his crib on his tummy. He is 5.5 months and I’ve yet to see him roll over all the way from his back to tummy. I’ve NEVER gotten him up from a nap or in the morning and found him on his tummy, so the odds he rolled that way himself are pretty low.

The two main teachers were already gone when I picked him up and the late afternoon teacher said he was already sleeping when she came in, so she didn’t put him down.

The director was already gone so I haven’t spoken to her. The daycare’s rule is that babies go to sleep on their backs in an empty crib. It was in the paperwork and it’s plastered on posters in the infant room. I plan to broach this in the morning, but any tips or suggestions on how to handle it specifically? I’m super pissed right now so I want to make sure I think it through rationally.