It felt really embarrassing to type the word "penis" and "scrotum" on a title post, but I did it! Anyway, just wondering if you put any special care to your LO's penis and scrotum area. We saw the pediatrician a couple of days ago because we saw his left scrotum area looked red and abraised. The doctor prescribed some over-the-counter antibiotic cream and it started to get better, which was a huge relief. Since then, it comes and goes! I really wish we could get to the bottom of this because I really don't want to give my LO oral antibiotics willy-nilly. Anyway, I also notice that the skin around his penis is sometimes more pink-ish than usual. DH cleans LO's penis by pushing down on the skin and releasing the penis, because sometimes it tends to stick and invert itself. That pushing down on the skin thing really grosses me out for some reason! LO is circumcised though. Anyway, just wondering if you do anything special for taking care of that area. Do you wipe it down during every single diaper change? Have you ever deal with an infection?