My 21 month old has never been a great sleeper, and just recently started STTN most nights. HOWEVER, she fights sleep every single night- it usually takes her about 1.5 hours to go to sleep, and she's hysterical the entire time. The only thing that calms her down is if we go in there- which would be fine if she would actually fall asleep. I can stand there for an hour and as soon as I walk towards the door she's up, crying for me.
We usually put her down around 6:30-7, but this occurs even if we put her down later. My husband says she just doesn't know how to put herself to sleep, but she does exactly that at daycare- walks over to her cot, lays down, and falls asleep on her own.
Anyone have any ideas or encouragement? I just can't handle listening to her CIO every night, but I can't spend an hour and a half standing in her room every night either. I'm also worried that this hysterical crying and screaming is detrimental to her health... help!