My 18 month old daughter has NEVER been a good sleeper- but in the past week it's gotten so. much. worse. Part of it is that she has a cold, and her ears are draining (she had tubes put in on January 2). So we aren't willing to let her CIO at this point because she's sick, however she is up within 2-3 hours of going to sleep. Our bedtime routine hasn't changed, she used to go 6-7 hours before her first wake up. Now she's up, crying, and is having a hard time going back to sleep.

I've been thinking about putting her mattress on the floor- taking the crib out of the room. I honestly have no idea if she would do better or worse on a floor bed, but I have to try something. Has anyone had any experience with a floor bed at this age, or with moving to a big kid bed? I was thinking if she slept better on the floor, I would buy her a big mattress that will grow with her.

I've probably gotten more than 6 hours of sleep less than 10 times in her life. I'm at the end of my rope... and I know that she needs sleep too! Any advice is welcome, thank you!