anyone want to tell me about having one??

not the exploratory/diagnostic kind, but the surgical kind. i have a very small uterus & a pretty wide septum at the top, a septate uterus. since the septum isn't vascular, if something were to implant there it couldn't survive. right now the RE said i have about an 85% chance of mc unless it's removed. it's done under general anesthesia & she said to take at least two days off.

local or general anesthesia?
in a hospital or clinic? (the thought of general anesthesia in a clinic setting is freaking me out! i just called to ask & they said sometimes they do them at the clinic & sometimes at an area hospital)
how was your recovery?
how long did you have to wait to TTC after? (she told me i'd need two BC cycles after, then we can start IUI)
how long were you on pelvic rest after?
did you have an HSG or an ultrasound to follow up? (she said i'll need another HSG after, i'm hoping i can talk her into another 3D scan instead)