I'm so sorry to burden everyone with my drama I really don't want to discuss it with any of my real life friends and I am very upset. Perhaps I just need to vent.

My husband is away for business in Japan and is staying with his parents. He suffered what they thought was a heart attack but it wasn't. He is fine and healthy thank God. During this episode his Mother phoned me to let me know what was happening. While in this conversation with her she mentioned that if he were unresponsive she will have him put on life support. My husband would never in one million years want that and has a dnr. I gently told her this and she exploded.

Suddenly she was asking me about our pre nuptial agreement! Ladies, his family wanted us to have one and I was fine with signing one but my husband ripped it up before I signed and we have never spoken to his family about it since. I refused to answer her and told her to please call me as soon as she heard anything but that I cannot listen to her abusive accusations at this difficult time. I hung up and the phone began ringing straight away.

This time it was his Father who is usually quite kind to me. He was vile in the things he said to me and actually accused me of being happy that my husband was in a coma (he was not but at the time we thought so) and demanded to know where our pre nuptial agreement was kept along with the mythical, as he called it dnr! At that time I told him that we have no pre nuptial agreement and he yelled that out into the room he was in and I heard many people saying awful things in Japanese. I assume this was his family.

Luckily my wonderful husband was okay and the situation was actually quite minor and preventable. I do not know how to tell him what has happened though. He is still in a fragile state I think and I don't want to upset him but I feel he needs to know. Please advise me posters. I am so upset that I am not thinking clearly about any of this! Thank you so much for reading.