I finally bought and installed a treadmill desk! Here's what it looks like:

I walk while I type... so far today, I've walked 2154 steps on the treadmill. According to my pedometer I've walked 4246 steps in total so far, so I've roughly doubled my walking for the day by using a treadmill desk. I'd like to walk around 10-15k steps a day... normally I only hit that number on the weekends right now.

Working on a treadmill desk is definitely a new experience, but so far it's been pretty easy. I often forget completely that I'm walking... but not for too long. I pause it pretty regularly and just stand on the non-moving treadmill... so that's a nice break. It's going to take some time to get fully used to this though.

My goal is to get into better shape, and to lose about 25 pounds or so. I want to set a good example for our kids, and also be able to keep up with them! They are getting harder to wrangle as they get faster!