I am immunocompromised, so I have to be careful about getting sick. It could potentially be dangerous if I were to get the flu.

Flu season is coming up, and along with the posts about pumpkins and changing leaves, I’m seeing an alarming number of friends on Facebook posting memes about how awful vaccines are, particularly the flu vaccine.

My pediatricians’ office recently stopped taking patients who refuse to be vaccinated, and a ton of moms are venting on the local parents’ group.

I’m part of a homeschool group, and it came up there too. “I’m so glad we aren’t forced to get vaccines since we aren’t enrolling in school!”

I feel like I should ask whoever I hang out with what their views on vaccines are before we schedule a play date. But if they don’t believe in vaccines, it’s not like they’d be understanding of my condition. I know some otherwise very nice people who would be offended if I made it an issue. So I’m just avoiding them for now with excuses about being busy.

Is anybody else frustrated by this?