So our sweet little girl is nine days old today, for a little reference. She's done great with not really crying (besides during a bath) and even just whimpers before I am able to get her fed.

My BIL, SIL and nephew came over, which we wanted them too. We want her to know her family, especially her cousin. They considered not bringing him but we said go ahead because she's done really well with people and noise so far. However, now she seems much more sensitive.

Last night she kept asking to be fed which I thought nothing of at first because she's been cluster feeding for about two days now. However, she just kept nursing and loved being under the cover even though it was hot. After a while, I got the feeing she wasn't really nursing for food anymore, that she was just nursing for comfort. So I took her upstairs and she cried and screamed all the way up but stopped when I shut our bedroom door.

The conclusion I've come to is that she's stressed. I don't blame him, he's a two year old, but I don't think it's at all good for her to be around him right now because he pretty much goes non stop and screams a lot while playing. She continued to want to nurse for a couple of hours (it turned into about three and a half hours total). I did let her even though I'm not sure she was actually eating until maybe the very end. Anytime I tried to get her to lay down without nursing, she started screaming again. She also slept really well afterward because she was exhausted and hadn't slept in a while.

Today, she's in the bedroom with a monitor on her. I'm now in here with her because I feel bad about her having to stay in here. He's still hyper and screaming and I know I can't take her downstairs while he's like that or she'll stress out again.

I told my husband we'd see how today goes and possibly have to ask them to leave (they wanted to stay another night). What would you do? If you were them would you get all upset? Honestly, I don't care if they get upset if that's what we need to do, I'm just wondering. Those with babies, does this sound like she was overstimulated and stressed like I thought? Or is it possible she'd be okay to try to interact again today?