My baby is just shy of four months and she has been particularly UNHAPPYfor at least two weeks. She is unhappy anywhere she is put down or even when held. Her awake time is around an hour and a half. Ten minutes is nursing, ten minutes is semi happy, and an hour plus is nonstop whining unhappy. Even when I try to hold her or directly interact and play with her at this time is is non stop whiNing. occasionally by the end of the day it is even all out hysteria. Naps have gone from 40 minute cat naps to 20 minute micro naps so perhaps this is her version of the 4 month sleep regression and I'm sure she's over tired by the end of the day but not sure how to change this. This is starting to take a toll on my 2.5 year old who has to deal with crying and whining baby all day and a mommy who is tired. I have family that comes over to help at least once a week but the help is with my toddler and I'm left to handle the baby because even family doesn't really know what to do with her. Not sure what I'm even looking for in this post except a place to vent or hear others stories.... Thanks for listening...