2 weeks before Mavrick's 2nd birthday I attempted to potty train him using the 3daypottytraining technique. It went okay, could have gone better but he understood the concept just had a little too many accidents to my liking. The following day he started a new daycare, went potty a few times and then completely refused.
we kept presenting him the potty and he would pull a fit, so we let him go. Then he was hospitalized and we knew that it was downhill from there. We stopped asking him if he needed to go, yet kept putting on pull-ups. (I did not want to go back to diapers, even if technically they were acting as them) He showed no interest what-so-ever and the daycare said he hasn't gone once since (before he got hospitalized)
Then 2 nights ago, to avoid going to bed he verablized he had to poo. (which means pee) so I told him he could go to the bathroom. He actually squated and tried peeing on the floor but I scooped him up and put him on the potty. He peed. We did a celebration dance, he went to bed. Yesterday was the same thing. No pee at daycare but again before bed.
Today was a WHOLE other story. The daycare said he went to pee several times on the potty and he even went before bed. I think the potty training is back on track. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm hopeful considering 2 major changes in his life in the last 3 weeks. #1 new daycare #2 hospitalization.