Hellobee Boards


I think there is something in the water!!!

  1. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @marionberry: good luck!!!

  2. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Cherrybee: No, not uncomfortable at all! I had an HSG done and it was more uncomfortable than this. Well and even the HSG wasn't that uncomfortable for me. It was super quick..took less than a minute and then I just laid there for 10 mins afterward. Easy peezy!

  3. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Thank you!

  4. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @marionberry: january 7th can't come fast enough!! So do they ask you to use OPK and wait for a positive, and then you tell them you got a +OPK and they make you come in for the IUI? Just curious about this process!

  5. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @chibee: I did an ultrasound on cd 11 and they had asked me to opk prior. When I got there they asked if I had a positive yet (I didn't) and then they checked my follicles. Seeing that one was already fully mature they gave me a shot to trigger ovulation. Once you get the shot they schedule your iui 2 days later. It's a pretty easy process.

  6. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: that big temp drop was on the 21st of december, i havent temped since then, currently cycle day 49... no AF. Didn't want to have to think about it over xmas & new year so won't start temping til Jan or whenever AF shows up. If she's not here in another week I'll go see a doctor....I have never had a cycle this long.

  7. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @marionberry: interesting! Is it bad that I want to skip the whole BD/OPK/temping/checking CM process and proceed to the IUI?? I know I haven't been actually at this very long but it is so tiring!

  8. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @mrssquirreld: i'm so sorry this cycle is so crazy for you! Mine ended at 47 days this past cycle - and honestly, although FF says I ovulated, I have a suspicion that I had an annovulatory cycle. I suspect that's what is happening to you, and you will get your breakthrough AF soon. So annoying! Why can't we have regular 28 day cycles?? I'd KILL to O early!

  9. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: I'm sorry hun. It's gotta be really hard to have cycles that long. Seeing a doctor could be really beneficial, especially if you still haven't gotten AF in a week or so. Knowing what's causing long cycles would really help guide you in the right direction to get pregnant.
    @chibee: HAHA you're so like me. Honestly, if an RE is not covered by your insurance, I'd recommend you go sooner rather than later. They don't really care when you go and you could get to the process of IUI pretty quickly (if that's what they end up suggesting). However, if you have insurance that covers infertility diagnoses your appointments won't be paid for until you've probably waited the whole 1 year. Because of the cost of an RE (we've spent nearly $2000 so far) I might see if your OB would run some of the preliminary testing first that may be covered by insurance - blood tests, HSG, etc.

  10. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    Hahahaha oh dear this month just cracks me up... Never seen so many positive opks! Oh we'll atleast DH and I feel semi normal and less stressed about things! Ironic I guess! Happy new year everyone! Lots of baby dust in 2013 xox

  11. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @mrssquirreld: this is crazy! Have you thought about investing in a CBEFM?? I am going to look into getting one after this cycle, it's too late for me to start anyway, and with my irregular cycles and unpredictable O dates I think we both could benefit from one. I'm so sorry this cycle is awful for you, I hope it's over soon!

  12. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    Happy new year ladies!!!!! Hows everyone going? Here I am on cycle day 54... lol missed my temp this morning since I didn't go to bed till 5am there wasn't much point! But it does seem like my temps are in the TWW zone? I dunno....since i was getting positive opks a couple of days ago... lol. I have had CRAZY sore nipple for the last 4 days...so depending on my temp tomorrow I'm gonna POAS just to keep my mind from wandering to the possibilities. Our focus for me this month is losing weight....getting into exercise now that i'm not working long hours and we'll go from there.

  13. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: Hey!! Happy new year Squiggle! You sound in much better spirits - that's good to hear. Exercise is a great idea, it certainly kept me occupied and not obsessing as much post m/c. Have you set a weight loss target or are you just trying to get into good habits?

  14. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: 10kg would be nice.. but i'm not really wanting to put a target on it..just a change in lifestyle
    How are you going? I wanna see a belly shot already!! heheh

  15. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: I could post a belly shot now but I don't think its a baby causing it!! I carry my weight around my middle anyway and what with the 8lb I've gained (eating stops me feeling sick and I'm too tired to exercise!) and the huge amount of bloating I'm looking 6 months already! I'm getting back to the gym this week and am going on a healthy eating kick so hopefully it will even out! Apart from that, I'm all good!

  16. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: haha I'm sure you look beautiful!!! Have you told everyone now or you waiting a bit longer? Did you end up telling family at xmas?

  17. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: Yeah, we told family just before Christmas and we told lots of friends over the festive period as and when we saw them. Just gotta keep our fingers crossed everything is going well in there now!!! I'm waiting for my scan date to come through..... getting nervous! How's it feel to not have to go back to work tomorrow?? Amazing I bet?!

  18. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: how exciting! Everyone must have been thrilled or you both!

    Yeah it still doesn't feel real... I'm still thinking about clients and jobs its ridiculous!!!

  19. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    happy new year ladies! I am having a lazy nice day - sitting around and snacking and watching my MIL make a lentil soup!
    @mrssquirreld: it does seem like your temps have increased - hopefully you're in the TWW!!
    @cherrybee: it must have been so exciting to share the news!! how are you feeling??
    and @mrssquirreld i'm with you - i'm going to re-focus on working out and eating right. I was doing so well, then Sandy screwed everything up, I was so stressed out I stopped watching what i was eating, it was bad. Now i'm back to the gym, and after today (isn't it always that way?) i am stopping with all the ridiculous sweets i've been eating!! As for ttc, i'd really really love to try a carefree approach, and maybe distracting myself by focusing on getting in shape will make me a little less crazy!

  20. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    I wanna join this thread with you ladies but don't know where to start. Lol!

  21. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: I was just going to say that it's look like you finally ovulated! Yay! I too need to focus on diet this year. It's my goal, but in the TWW after the IUI they really don't recommend anything much, so I'm going to have to wait awhile to workout.
    @cherrybee: Being pregnant is about being any size and not really caring. We'd still be excited to see your baby bump..no matter who's causing it lol.
    @chibee: how are things going? The CBEFM is a big expense when you have off cycles. I'd stick to wondfos for now until your cycles regulate a bit more, unless you really don't mind shelling out the $200 for the monitor and sticks.

    AFM, this TWW is super slow. My chart is a mess! They say the hCG trigger and the Clomid are to cause and you shouldn't chart, but I just can't help it. It's very depressing to see constant low temps though. I'm 6 days away from our official test at the RE's office and it's killing me. I need to get back to work so that time will pass quickly. No symptoms really...just exhausted. Taking naps about 3 each day, but that could just be my body's need to actually catch up on sleep while I'm off.

  22. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @ash: Welcome! Just join in. This is a thread that a group of us have been communicating on for forever, so it's not necessarily idea-centric, but more like open to whatever issue you're having at the time.

  23. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @marionberry: I've followed it here and there so I might just hop in!
    This was my first month using opks since my miscarriage in september. My cycles have been wonky the past 2 months. So I bought some wondfos and gave it a shot. Got my positive on Saturday and had o pains on sunday. We bd o-4, o-2, o-1 and o day. I'm crossing my my fingers we did something right this month! What do you guys think? I've read a lot about how bding after o isn't beneficial but we might give it one last horrah tonight.

  24. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Ash: I think you've got a great shot! If I were you, Id keep the BDing up for another night - I have really long LH surges and it could be days after my positive OPK before Id see that temp rise. Are you temping too? Oh and welcome to the water!!

    @marionberry: Bless you!!! The TWW is hard enough without the added pressure AND being off work! I wouldn't worry about your temps - your charts were always perfect but haven't resulted in a BFP before. Text book charts mean jack!!

  25. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Ash: I agree with @cherrybee! BD at least the day after just for good measure. I never had ovulation pains really until taking clomid/hcg trigger and I got them up until 3 days after my positive opk so BD'ing after you get a peak is certainly a good idea!
    @Cherrybee: You're right...I am queen of nice charts that are always BFN's. Maybe something out of the ordinary is good. Today I'm secretly hoping this second dip is implantation. Anything to pass the time and continue some hope.

  26. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @marionberry: I really, really hope so. You deserve this so much. I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you, can't wait for your test at the doctors office.

    In other news - I can't sleep!! Its gone midnight here, sob sob! I always do this when I have to go back to work after time off. Sigh.

  27. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Ash: Welcome!!! I agree with the others a not of extra BD'n can't hurt
    @Cherrybee: urgh I always get so angry when i can't sleep and I know I have a big day ahead... poor DH finished at 10pm last night and started at 7am this morning... he was not a happy capmer!

  28. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @Cherrybee: @marionberry: @Mrs squirreld: Thanks ladies! Doing opks made me realize I haven't been o'ing until cd19 which explains a lot! I'm not temping... It's only our 2nd cycle actually "trying" but we've been nonchalant about it. He has no idea I did opks. *sigh* we attempted bd last night but dh wasn't able to *ahem* finish. Hopefully he'll be up for it tonight!

    @Cherrybee: Oh man, that's the worst. I've had 4 days off and I'm back to the grind tomorrow... Hoping I can sleep tonight. Hopefully tomorrow isn't too bad for you!

  29. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Cherrybee: I'm going to be in your position shortly I'm sure. I slept in so I know it will be hard to go to bed.

    @Ash: It happens! We didn't get to BD at all this month (just the IUI) because of some health stuff DH had going on. But it only takes one time to work, so don't sweat it.

  30. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: You definitely ovulated! Are you so happy to be in the TWW finally!!

  31. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: hmmm I dunno. I got a two positive opk after though.... And they were definatley positive... Test line was darker than control!!!

  32. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @marionberry: Argh! Only 2 days to your test!! How are you feeling?

    @Mrs squirreld: I used to get +ve OPKs for days too! I'd go with temps - a shift means ovulation. What CD you on now??

  33. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: meh. I'm beyond caring this cycle. I just want my period!!! Hmm cycle day 1384... Hahaha nah cycle day 58.

  34. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Cherrybee: haven't had many symptoms. My chart looked really good until today. Starting to feel like it may be bad news Monday.
    @mrssquirreld: I get multiple positive opk's too. All that matters is the first one.

  35. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: umm but my first one was back on cycle day 23..... and then 38...and then 49....with negatives in between...meh!
    oh well. just keen for this cycle to be over so I can feel "normal" again! I'm super excited about your appt tomorrow!!

  36. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: I just meant that on this last set of positive opk's the first positive matters, but the next day when it's positive and the day after that when it's positive don't really mean much. I really think your chart looks great. Wouldn't it be crazy if you got pregnant on this wacked out cycle?

  37. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: Ya with the time difference it's actually going to be early Monday morning for me, or like late Monday night for you? 38 hours from now. My temp chart has me thinking it didn't work but my really sore nipples and emotional moments today have me questioning it. Who knows...I have no idea at this point what the result will be. Perhaps tomorrow's temp will give me a better idea.

  38. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: ahhhh i get ya! So you think I o'd around cycle day 49....which would make me 10dpo today.. my timing wasn't great though so who knows.... according to Jenny Renny I was meant to get a BFP late jan early feb... haha thats basically impossible. unless I get my period and have the shortest cycle ever. Or if this cycle goes on until the end of time
    I will be up late stalking this board then tomorrow night... fingers crossed

  39. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: HAHA Jenny Renny was super wrong for me. She predicted a BFP back in October. So I wouldn't trust much of what she said. I guess if you got your period in 4 days and then had a normal cycle, early February isn't completely unlikely.

  40. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    been reading thru comments to see how everyone is doing!

    @marionberry: oooo I am going to be waiting to hear how test day goes for you too!!! and what you said to @ash, I always remind myself of that, just takes one to make a baby haha

    @Mrs squirreld: your attitude about this annoying cycle is so awesome!!! I'd be so angry! At least now you can be excited to get either BFP or AF haha

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