I think there is something in the water at DH's work!! There are 3 wives all pregnant and due within a week of each other!!! Hopefully it is "contagious" and we see a BFP soon!!!
I think there is something in the water at DH's work!! There are 3 wives all pregnant and due within a week of each other!!! Hopefully it is "contagious" and we see a BFP soon!!!
papaya / 10570 posts
Hanzabelle!! Hello!!
How's your first week of TTC going? What have you been doing and how are you feeling?!
I'm on my 11th day off BCP! I've been taking folic acid supplements (in addition to my usual multivitamins and cod liver oil) and have got DH taking vitamins now, too! I'm still drinking my usual amount of alcohol but have switched to decaffeinated tea and coffee already - and I'm trying to drink more water (I'm hoping it will make more CM!!Lol!)
In terms of charting - I've downloaded a free app for my phone and am taking my temperature every day. It's been pretty even so far. I've counted the first day of "red flow" as CD1 (even though it was probably a withdrawal bleed) so I'm now on CD8.
OPKs - I've bought some cheap OPK strips and have been testing since CD5!!! I'm just watching to see if and when I ovulate - and I haven't yet!! I'm expecting to around Sunday!
How I'm feeling - I'm trying to keep nice and calm and prepare myself for the fact that it's unlikely I'll get my BFP on the first cycle. That said, it's all I can think about! I'm finding that testing for ovulation calms me down - I don't have to panic-baby-dance constantly for fear I miss my tiny fertile window!
How about you?! I'm dying to know all about your journey so far as we both made the decision just days apart! (and it's nice to have someone to talk to about it in a slightly wide-eyed crazy way!!).
Oh and if there's something in the water, please do bottle it up and send it this way. I'm in England so the postage wont be that much..... honestly.... !
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: heeey!
Glad things seem to be going on track for u with coming off BC. Things are going good here... It's all so terrifying and exciting at the same time. My cycles have always been super regular and my body seems to always tell me when I'm ovulating ( discharge, cramping etc) so I'm really lucky there. I just downloaded a ovulation predictor and it lined up with when I thought it was (yay) so I guess we'll see! I'm gonna test at 13DPO (thats the day AF is due) if I can hold out that long (lol) which happens to be fathers day in Australia (hopefully a good sign). If things dont go our way i might start temping- i dunno. I'm all over the place in my thoughts. One minute I'll be totally terrified and the next minute I'll be fine. Haha
The first time we BD without protection I felt like I was a virgin again lol- totally nervous! Feeling alot better about it now
nectarine / 2522 posts
Oh and so By my calculations and body signs I o'd yesterday so.... That's it for the month... We just made it cause DH started night shift tonight so we don't see each other for a few days apart from in passing I hate these weeks.
nectarine / 2522 posts
I keep forgetting things too. I'm taking folate and omega 3 (flaxseed oil) and trying to eat well ( totally busted I'm eating almonds m&ms now... Oops) lol
pear / 1974 posts
@hanzabelle: @Ali: this is my first cycle TTC also! I've been off BCP since May, and this is my third BCP-free cycle, but first cycle actively TTC. I haven't been charting (I started to in May and got lazy) but my first two cycles off BCP when we weren't trying yet, I had very regular cycles and I can pretty much safely assume I did O around day 14-17 within my usual 29-32 day cycle. However! This cycle, where I am actually trying, has been my "weird" one - I didn't O until CD26-27! The human body is a strange thing. Let's keep each other updated since we are all on similar cycles!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: yaaaay. This should be a tcc cycle 1 club! Hehhee so are you basing your O date off your body signs since ur not charting yet? Maybe I shouldn't be relying on this so much.
papaya / 10570 posts
Eeep! Hanzabelle - so exciting! I'm very jealous of your regular cycles and non-BCP starting point! Fingers crossed you're one of those first-time-trying-pregnant-immediately girls!!
Yes, I think we should all keep each other informed - I'd love people to talk to about it (so I don't drive my very laid back DH crazy!!).
@Hanzabelle - do you mind if the three us (and anyone else who wants to get invovled!) use this thread (read: hijack it!) to keep each other up to date with our progress! Hopefully the "something in the water" will affect us too!
@Chibee, I've got a good feeling about your weird end-of-cycle ovulation! I'm hoping for a BFP from you really soon! Do you have a Chihuaua by the way (I guessed from your name)? I have two Japanese Chins - how do you think he/she will cope with a baby in the house?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: yes totally!!!! Something in the water should equal BFP all round!!! And I agree I totally need this board too I think I've already driven DH nuts and since we aren't telling anyone else I feel like I'm gonna exPlode!
@Ali: @chibee: Oh I have two dogs... I hope they will be good baby dogs! We spoil them so much I don't want them to feel left out!!!
papaya / 10570 posts
@ Hanzabelle - oooh, what kind of dogs?! I LOVE dogs!
Are either of you going to put in extra training before the baby comes? Actually, this should be a whole thread1 I'll make one...!
nectarine / 2522 posts
Haha totally we have two malamute x's they are super protective... I think we will totally do some training leading up. Not sure what yet.. But hey that gives me something else to research in this dreaded TWW instead of trying to stop myself from buying moby's and miracle blankets that are on special.... Lol...
pear / 1974 posts
@Ali: Yes I have two chihuahuas - they are my babies and I am totally obsessed w/them!!! I'm not sure what kind of training I would do with them before a baby comes but they're generally good dogs so I'm not too worried about it!
@Hanzabelle: I wasn't charting, but I started using an OPK between CD10-20, and never got a positive. I chalked it up to me not using it properly, and just assumed that I probably O'd sometime during that time, but then when I started having a lot of EWCM around CD24, I started using the OPK again, this time a digital one, and got a smiley on CD25 and CD26. Then a negative on CD27, so I'm going to assume that I O'd sometime in the past 2 days, or possibly right now! Also, you don't even want to know how much I spoil my dogs either haha
I'm excited to have TTC Cycle 1 buddies!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: @Ali: Yah cycle buddies... Let's hope we all get BFP at the same time too! I've got serious issues today I feel bloated and horrible and all I want to do is buy baby things. But I'm restraining
pear / 1974 posts
Alright ladies how are we feeling today?? @Hanzabelle: I felt so awful yesterday also, gas pains or something?? Only... 12 more days for us until the TWW is over. Let's face it though, we will probably start testing at 10DPO haha but I really will try to restrain myself.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: @chibee: I feel terrible today. I don't know what my problem is... The TWW is harder than I thought it would be just because I want a BFP so bad and the thought of doing this more than one month makes me upset. I look at all those girls who have been trying 6 months plus and don't know how they do it! I see all the BFN on the August board and I lose hope. sorry to be a downer today ladies.... What's the earliest your going to test 10dpo?
nectarine / 2522 posts
AND I'm wishing I had charted so I know I got my o date right... Urgh I HATE the unknown!
pear / 1974 posts
@hanzabelle: ditto everything. I already feel upset about this possibly not being my month! I am really, really goint to try to hold out until at least 9/2 which would be 13 DPO bc i dont want to be disappointed early on. I just dont feel like it worked this month... When will you start testing?
apricot / 368 posts
@Hanzabelle: Haha I feel like everyone is pregnant at work right now, too!!! Ugggggg lol
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: I'm tempted to test at 11dpo... Which will be the 31st...just so if AF Does come- aleast I got to test. Where as if I wait til 13dpo AF might beat me to it! ?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@dharmainitiative: I hope u bring some good news to that Augustl board soon!!!
apricot / 368 posts
@Hanzabelle: I wish =( I'm out for August. Probably September too because of hubby's work schedule. Annnnd we are probably going to avoid in September in preparation for a round of Clomid. So, hopefully you get a BFP wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy before then, but if not, see you in November? hehehe
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@Hanzabelle: The first month is actually one of the worst. I hope you get a BFP right away, but just remember that 60% get pregnant in 3 months.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@dharmainitiative: oh bummer work schedules SUCK.. I was lucky this month and O'd right before DH went onto night shift. Well goodluck anyway and I hope to see a BFP for both of us soon!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Grace: Thanks... I just can't shake this feeling. I hope We are one of the lucky 60%
papaya / 10570 posts
Oh girls, hugs. Big, big hugs!
I take comfort in the fact that cycle 1 is reported to be the worst - so you'll either get your BFP or be a much calmer and happier TTCer next month- which are both positive outcomes, I think! I'm thinking of it like this - if I don't get my BFP in September, I've got a bigger chance of getting it the following (super exciting) and an even bigger chance of it being me the month after that (cannot contain my excitement) so every day I get under my belt is a day closer to meeting my child with or without a BFP!
I still haven't ovulated but I feel a bit weird today (not crampy as such, just very "womb aware" if that makes sense, it's tingly.) so I think it'll be soon. Those OPKS are a godsend because.....
.... I can't get DH to BD!!!!! ARGH! He's so, so tired from work (and achy from arthritis) and all he wants to do is lie in bed reading a book or playing games on his bloody phone! All evening!! We had "date night" Tuesday and went out for a lovely meal - but then he flopped into bed as soon as we got in and picked up that book (AAAARGH!) and nothing I tried (even my scary seductive face) could make him even look away from it. Then last night, I slipped into bed before he came home from work so I was waiting there for him when he came in - and he got into bed (win!) and asked me to pass him the laptop (fail) because he wanted to buy a new kindle (double fail!). It takes all my willpower not to storm off lol! If it wasn't for those negative OPKS, gently reassuring me I'm not ovulating so don't panic, I think I'd have a breakdown!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: oh u just made my day... "Everyday is one day closer to meeting my child" - this is my new mantra!!!! I love it!!
Sooooo have u BD since u made the big decision? Because I was suuuuper nervous when we did the first BD post decision. My advice... Just talk to him. OR buy him the kindle and download some erotica on it!! That should get him in the mood! Lol
papaya / 10570 posts
Erotica!! Lol! He'd start critiquing the grammar and the punctuation!! I might buy him the kindle though, that's a lovely idea!
Yeah, we've BDd 4 times since we made the decision - all on the weekends (twice last Sunday, which is unheard of for us! lol). I wasn't nervous - but I did have to try to put it out of my mind in case I started grinning mid way through!
I wanted to establish an every other day pattern but that's so not working! I'm just hoping I do ovulate on Sunday as expected because it's a bank holiday weekend in the UK so that's an extra day to get BDing before he goes back to work and the tiredness starts again!
How's the TWW going?!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: hahah men- who knows how they work! Hehe
Good food usually works on my DH. Lol. Long weekends are extremely sexy too!
The TWW is excruciating.... Trying to keep busy to stay distracted but I have no motivation to do anything ( except be on HB..lol) even DH said this morning can we test yet? I told him sure you pee on a stick and I'll pee on a stick an we'll see who gets negative first. I don't think he saw the funny side.
I talked to my mum for a while on the phone last night and I sooo wanted to tell her we are trying but we've agreed not to share yet. It just makes it so hard. All the excitement of lets have a baby is now replaced with what if we can't have a baby... I know the chances.. But still it weighs on ur mind when u are stuck in the longest two weeks EVER!! Maybe we should play a game to keep ourselves sane!
pear / 1974 posts
3DPO! Time has officially stopped. I don't even know if it really is 3DPO for me, it might even be 2DPO bc I had these weird sharp pains on my right side on Tuesday and I was hoping it wasn't ovulation pains bc the last time we BD'd before that was Sunday and I just don't know if that's enough time for the little swimmies to keep alive!
Let's think of ways to distract ourselves from the TWW, and for @Ali waiting to O - let's talk a bit about ourselves! Tell me about yourself! Not exclusive to @Ali & @Hanzabelle but for anyone who happens to stumble onto this hijacked thread!
papaya / 10570 posts
Good idea. Okay, here goes.....
I'm Ali, I'm 31 and I live in England. I work full time, for a social housing provider, helping vulnerable people to manage their money.
I married the love of my life 5 months ago and we bought our first house, which i love! We#re just in the process of decorating it now - it's hard work!
I love wine, chatting to my friends (usually with wine!) and my little dogs, Madeline and Gavin. My favourite food is curry - the hotter the better! The thing I hate most in the world is mornings - it's best not to speak to me until at least lunchtime!! Oh and I cry a lot (happy, sad, you name it! I even cried at the film Cool Runnings, you know about the Jamacian bob-sleigh team? So lame!).
pear / 1974 posts
@Ali: omg I'm dying over the pics of your dogs they've been naughty!!! We just bought our house 2 months ago and it still sort of looks like we moved in last week so I know how it is. Little bit at a time, right? We look like we still live like we're in college, so I'm hoping a pending baby on the way would kick us into gear really. Love the pictures!!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: we live in such different worlds huh!
Ok here I go. I'm 27 and live in Australia!! I currently am working in the banking industry which I HATE. I also own my own business as a photographer. Being a photographer was my full time job until we had to move for DH's job and now I only do it part time hence why I'm in banking too. It's only for a few more months now until we move again/have a baby.
DH and I went to high school together and had mutual crushes but nothing ever eventuated. A few years after High School DH We had remained friends and six and half years ago we became a couple. Our best friends from high school are also a couple and have been together 12 years!! Anyway we married in February this year and DH has just started a new career prior to us getting married which requires us to move a bit which is all an exciting adventure...
I love photography (obviously) interior design, animals and the outdoors. My three guilty pleasures are wine, cheese and chocolate- oh how I wish there was a diet for that!! Cooking is my meditation- i love it!
I too am a cry baby... I cry at tv almost every night. My DH thinks I'm a freak and is seriously concerned about how my emotions will be once I'm pregnant. Lol I'm a bit of a hippy at heart... My dream is to live "off the grid" and be completely sustainable and organic. We went to Alaska in may for our honeymoon and fell in LOVE with the place and also have a little dream about moving there. Our other loves are our furballs. We have two dogs both malamute x's. We spoil them completely....
I want to be a SAHM... I can't wait to be barefoot and pregnant and I would love to have a natural water birth ( but I'm pretty sure I will want drugs drugs drugs!!! Lol)
Oh and I'm on my phone but when I get home I'll add some photos
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