It all started with my co-worker, then a friend of a friend.....ok I can handle that... then in August my cousin (and MoH) called in a panic when she found out she was unexpectedly expecting, then in the last 2 weeks two more of my BM's (Best friend and SIL) announced their pregnancies. On saturday night we ran into a friend from college who's expecting. What are these people drinking baby making juice?
I'm MoH in my best friend's wedding next October so thanks to her 2 year engagement our time line has been set to not start trying until after their wedding. There's other things to be considered too like wanting to lose weight, paying off some debt and just generally being ready to bring a child in our lives. Husband is not at all comfortable around babies but I think he's glad to be an uncle before a father.
Rationally, I know its not the right time to have a baby but my empty uterus is arguing otherwise. I also worry and am anxious about medical stuff if I'll have issues getting pregnant. It was so easy for my friends 2 were accidental and the other one was a 1st cycle.
Then there's the left out feeling.... all my friends are having babies and i'm not... I thought our kids would grow up together (again rationally 1 year is not going to make a difference, they will still grow up as friends)
sorry for the babbling, I didnt mean to use Hellobee as a therapy service but i could use some help getting talked off the baby ledge.... Husband just shakes his head and walks away because he thinks i'm nuts.