pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: I can't believe I missed this! I just went scrambling over to the september board and he is beautiful!!! Congratulations I am so incredibly happy for you!
@Mrs squirreld: Thank you so much for letting us know!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: Thank you! We are so in love with him and thank God everyday for the miracle he gave us after our struggles with IF. Being a mom is a lot of hard work but believe me, he is worth the struggles!
pomelo / 5041 posts
Oh and PS to anyone who might have missed it, mrssquirreld had her baby too! He's super cute!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I'm doing well thanks! It's hard getting used to such broken sleep but my son is really pretty easy so I can't complain much. I just got authorized to drive so I'm eager to get out of the house next week. How are you doing?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: we are doing great here too!! I've been MIA off Hb though... Just enjoying the time while DH is still off work. Eli is such a laid back baby. We are super super lucky. He's happy chills in his rocker awake. He goes down without much of a fuss. Last night he slept for two four hour blocks - I feel amazing!!! Breast feeding is going so well - I almost feel guilty talking about it cause he feeds like a champ and my nipples are fine. We know we are lucky and are making the most of it before he goes through a growth spurt or changes behaviour! Most importantly we are so so in love with him. DH is an amazing dad.
I'm working on my birth story so that will be up soon. Here's some pics of him in the meantime
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs squirreld: love that pic of Eli all snuggled up against you!
@chibee: we're also doing really well. Ella has started smiling and cooing at us, and it's the cutest thing ever! I'm getting pretty good sleep at night. Breastfeeding's going great. Her eyelashes are starting to get long, but hair and eye color are still up in the air. She's 7.5 weeks now!
Edit: oh, and she's starting to discover her hands. I woke up this morning to her nomming away at them.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@StrawberryBee: 7.5 weeks! How did that happen??! I still find it crazy Eli is 10 days old! They are going to grow up so fast!! Hahah I just realised that you, me and cherrybee named our kids Eli, Ella & Elliot... Never even crossed my mind before!! That photo was taken the first time he went in the baby k'tan - he loves getting in there!!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I know, she looks so big to me now! She's changed so much even in such a short bit of time. I had to do pumpkin pics quick before she got too big to fit in one ;). We're loving the ergo. It's so much easier than pulling out the stroller sometimes.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @StrawberryBee: OMG I love your pics! That pumpkin idea is so cute I may have to steal it. I haven't tried to put my lo in a carrier yet as he's rarely awake. It seems he goes from sleep to feed to sleep most of the time. As I'm going to start going out more maybe I'll test it at home next week. Since you ladies posted some sweet pics I'll post a few too.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@marionberry: Doooo it! He'll only be this small to fit in a pumpkin once :D. And aww, look at his gummy little grin! So sweet
papaya / 10570 posts
@StrawberryBee: Oh my goodness, he's adorable!! What happened to Odin? Didn't you have that up in the nursery and everything? Glad its all going well!
@StrawberryBee: Meep!! Look at her!!! Aaaaw!
@marionberry: Ahhh, I live that pic with his finger in his mouth! So cute!!
@chibee: How are you sweetie?
As for us, were fine. Ellie has almost doubked her teeny borth weight! She has been smiling for a few weeks and has recently started making sounds - eh and umgah are her faves! She is also chomping on her hands! Very cute. Nightime sleep is awesome, she goes down at 8pm and sleeps until about 4am, then goes straight back down until 8. Naps are not so simple but we are working on it! I didn't enjoy the first 5 weeks at all - then it became"okay" - now the last two weeks have been awesome! Im finally starting to enjoy motherhood at 9.5 weeks!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Cherrybee: I'm so happy for you that she's sleeping so well and you're really enjoying motherhood!
@StrawberryBee: I really want to take him to the pumpkin patch soon if it stops raining. We got 4" of rain yesterday lol. Summer has officially run away.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: haha yep! Odin was our top pick and Eli was a close second. When he was born he just looked so much more like an Eli than a Odin. Just felt right! So Eli Hawke it is! Yeah redoing his name in the nursery! Atleast I have one letter done! Haha glad motherhood is becoming a joy! I can't wait til he smiles for real!!! He already has dimples when he does his gassy smiles!
@marionberry: soo cute!! Doesn't it just melt your heart to see DH and bub snuggling!!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Cherrybee: we get umgah too! and meh. Awesome news on the sleep schedule, and that things have gotten so much better :).
@marionberry: wow! We've actually had really nice weather here. I feel guilty we don't go outside more :/.
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @marionberry: @StrawberryBee: ahhhhh these are such amazing pictures i love them all!!!!
@Cherrybee: i'm so glad you're enjoying everything now!! I cant believe your baby is already almost 10 weeks??? It all really feels like just yesterday when you guys were all charting with me!!!
As for me, still waiting for my body to do something normal after the D&C - I'm still spotting and it's getting pretty annoying! I still have a faint + on the wondfo HPTs as of last Friday so I'm going to assume it's going to take quite a bit for my HCG to go below 5 (beta before D&C was over 50,000). So I feel like i'm just hanging in limbo.
papaya / 10570 posts
@chibee: how's things? Have you stopped spotting yet? Thinking of you - it must be so frustrating.
pear / 1974 posts
@Cherrybee: nope! I thought spotting had stopped a couple days ago and I was finally relieved for it to be over, but yesterday AT WORK i had another one of those gushing red blood episodes. It stopped immediately, but I'm going in for a sonogram tonight to see what's going on up there.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: here's my birth story of you wanted to read it
How are you feeling? Have you got some answers as to what your body is doing yet? Thinking of you always
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I was so excited to see you posted your story!!!! And i love, love LOVE the birth announcement, you took those pictures yourself, right? I wish you lived near me for my future baby photoshoots!!!! How is life as a mommy these days? I'm kind of in limbo? Just waiting to O - this is my first post-MC cycle and I have no idea what it's going to be like, so I'm just waiting, hopefully it won't be a ridiculously long or an anovulatory cycle!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@chibee: woohoo a cycle! *sending good vibes your way*
(And I know, @Mrs squirreld: 's photos are amazing)
pear / 1974 posts
@StrawberryBee: Thanks! I actually got a high reading on my clearblue advance OPK today - i'm shocked because i'm only at CD16 (i tend to ovulate really late!) - i'm just glad my cycle seems to be on a normal-ish track but i feel kind of not totally enthusiastic about trying at the moment, I don't know why.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: that's great! Something about getting pregnant tends to regulate your cycles I hear.
pear / 1974 posts
Had to resurrect this thread - i'm so glad things worked out for all of us here and can't believe some are already on #2! I'm enjoying cuddles with my baby at the moment and just feeling so thankful for everything despite my exhaustion!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@chibee: omigosh, congratulations on your little boy!! So glad you're both doing well :). Can't believe how long ago this thread was started. to all you lovely ladies!
I'll post two recent pics of E. I wish life were less crazy right now, but there's nothing better than baby snuggles.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: Congratulations! I'd love to see pics of your lo if you're willing to share. I'm so happy we're all mamas now.
@strawberrybee: So cute! I hear you on the craziness of life. It's definitely work once they're walking.
AFM, my J turns 1 in less than 2 weeks. I'm currently pregnant (we think) with possibility of twins - long story. I'm now scared about the stress of having more than one. We never thought we'd get pregnant so easy or so fast.
pear / 1974 posts
Thank you! All your babies are so cute and I can't believe how big they got!! @marionberry: twins??? Omg how exciting!! Here is my little jack - now 10 days old, day 4 at home and thriving!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@marionberry: Oh dear, she hasn't started walking yet! ;D Also, omigosh, twins!
@chibee: He's adorable . Welcome to the world, Jack!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: He is SO cute! Great name too.
@strawberrybee: Just wait until she is! Chasing after them always.
My 6w u/s showed 2 empty sacs. The OB said it was just too early to see anything but I'm skeptical. My hCG looks good though. I find out if we're having 0,1, or 2 on Tuesday morning.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: awwwwwww!! congrats!! hes perfect. hope you are settling into motherhood
@StrawberryBee: adorable!!
@marionberry: been thinking of you... hope you get some great news. xo
nectarine / 2530 posts
@marionberry: thinking about you this morning, hon! Hope you get great news
pear / 1974 posts
Thanks everyone! i'm so tired - will i ever not feel tired?
@marionberry: i'm hoping for good news for you today!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
Oh and here are some updated pics for those who haven't seen my Instagram... If you have it wall me your details
papaya / 10570 posts
Hello everyone! Wow, we started this thread ages ago!! We were the original "clique", right ladies?! And were are all mamas now - finally!!
@chibee: SO many congratulations on the birth of baby Jack. He is so adorable!! To answer your question about tiredness: Those early weeks are the hardest and you will certainly reach a point where you feel human again, all be it "tired human". I do still feel dog tired 13 months in but it's nothing compared to those first few weeks.
@StrawberryBee: Aaaw, look at E! So cute!!
@marionberry: Whaaaat?? Maybe twins?! You can tell that I have finally forgotten the newborn stuff because I'm all like "awesome!!!!". I have everything crossed for you, lady.
@Mrs squirreld: D'aw!! He's just too beautiful!!
So here's my little lady. Elliott is now 13 months old. She is walking quite confidently now and is so close to saying words.....! This part is so much fun!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: hahaha we are definitely our own little kind of special
E is so stinking cute!! I just want to squeeze her little face!! She makes me kinda want a girl
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: and tired becomes the new normal I'm used to it now, in fact I freak out when Eli sleeps through. Haha I'm not used to so much sleep!
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Yeah, girl's rule!!! I hope our number 2 is another girl!! I'd be happy with all girls! You guys are trying now, aren't you? We've put it off pretty much indefinitely - we just don't know how long it will be before DH can come off his meds again..... not that he's even started back on them yet. Grr.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: yeah officially kicked it up from NTNP to actual TTC with OPKs this month - fingers crossed!! I'd always wanted 2 boys but now I kinda dream of a little girl. I be happy either way... We plan on a 3rd anyways
Indefinatley!!? Really? why isn't he back on the meds?! I thought that was the whole problem? That he wanted To go back on? How long has he been off th so far? That must be so frustrating for you - hugs.
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: He has been off them 6 months now but it's all very complicated for two reasons.
1) My husband has problems with stress - in that he becomes stressed very easily and really, really can't cope with it when he does. His arthritis is stress triggered (very real - detectable by blood tests - but triggered by stress). In addition, he also has some pretty serious psychosomatic stuff going on - in that as soon as he feels stressed he starts aching. This isn't real (in that it's not arthritis) but he can't tell what is what until the stress subsides. He's pretty stressed right now because E has been waking up at night. Last night, he punched a door because she woke up just as we were going to bed. So you can imagine there's a fair bit of "This is making me ill" going on right now.
2) The meds make him feel really sick so he will only take them when the pain is really bad. I'm not convinced he is always honest with me about how much pain he is in because he doesn't want me to make him take the meds. A couple of weeks ago he was all about going back on the meds. Now he is saying he isn't hurting any more. Who knows what the truth is?
Basically, I have decided to stop thinking about having another child. If I think about it - think about age gaps etc - I will just get upset. If and when we're ready to TTC, if he's off his meds - great. But I'm not making plans any more because it stops me being able to sympathise with DH - every time he winces in pain I want to throw him through the window!!!
Oooh, you're bringing out the big guns now then?! Fingers crossed for you!!!
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