nectarine / 2530 posts
@marionberry: DH has actually been really awesome in the help department. I can't complain!
Dinner was literally throwing some meat and sliced onion in the crockpot with some soy sauce, etc. nothing big; I'm just so glad I feel like cooking again! I didn't the whole time I was pregnant.
Hope you get some sleep!
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @marionberry: @cherrybee @StrawberryBee: this thread seems to be my "comfort" thread so... I got some bad news at my ultrasound yesterday. They said I seemed to be only about 6w (I should have been 7w 4d) and they didn't see a heartbeat. The tech asked me "do you still feel pregnant?" how horrible. they took my blood, and scheduled me for another US next week, but I've pretty much lost hope. You guys know i've been charting and ttc'ing long enough to know that i am for sure not off on my dates by that much. I can't tell you how disheartening it was last night. Where do I go from here? I can't even face the prospect of having to ttc again, it was so stressful last time.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: oh honey!!! How horrible. I'm so so sorry. When is your next ultrasound? Bloody tech's seem to never have any tact. Can you see your doctor earlier to get some answers? Not knowing is terrifying. I'm sending positive vibes your way and pray that everything will be fine.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: When do you think you'll get the blood test results? I'm assuming it's an hCG beta which might give you some idea of how the pregnancy is doing before the ultrasound. I can't believe the tech said that - stupid people. I am so sorry you're going through this! We've all heard stories of this situation going both ways, so try to have faith that your story will end positively. I will be praying for you! Hugs!
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs squirreld: It's next Thursday - a whole week away. The tech was actually pretty horrible, I was in too much of a shock to ask any questions at the time but she gave nothing - "no heartbeat, you're 6 weeks and measuring behind, you feel pregnant? ok get dressed and go across the hall for blood work, and schedule another US for next week" she left and that was it. I kind of can't believe no one actually explained to me what was going on or gave me any kind of comfort - DH and I were literally left wandering the dr's office after she left we didn't know where to go or what to do!
@marionberry: They said 2 days for blood results, considering today is friday and monday is a holiday, i'm assuming tuesday will be the earliest. I've been googling enough ultrasound pics at my gestational age to know what i should have seen on the screen, when i didn't see it (it just kind of looked like a yolk sac but there must have been a fetal pole since she did take a measurement) my heart kind of sank. and then she put the cursor over it to see the heartbeat, when i saw that flat line i kind of knew what was going on.
Thanks for your thoughts, this has been kind of a crappy year i need a break!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I'm so sorry! You've been through a lot and you do deserve a break! I'm really hoping you get some good news early next week.
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: I am hoping for good outcome but i'm already prepared for the loss. I actually just called the office to talk to someone about the US becaue NO ONE explained what happened - so i'm waiting to hear from the midwife at my practice. Even if I was measuring at 6 weeks, i feel like i should have seen a heartbeat, right? i am so bummed out and im sitting here at work like a stupid zombie
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: oh good I'm glad you called. I don't think the way it was dealt with was right at all. You need an explanation, not just come back next week! Hope you get some answers soon. I don't think everyone sees a heartbeat at 6 weeks. We didn't at 6 weeks we just saw the yolk sac, but we saw one at 7& 1/2 or 8 weeks - can't remember which is was.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I don't know what you're "supposed to see" at certain weeks. I went in at 6 weeks and did hear a heartbeat, but I'm pretty sure I've heard of others who didn't that early. In my ultrasound it looked like a yolk sac with a little worm hanging off of it. I know how rough it is to sit at work when you're experiencing something like this. Could you leave early? Take a sick day?
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @marionberry: Thankfully I do have an early day today because of the holiday weekend but i think i'll just be a mess until i find out for sure. Part of it feels like if it wasn't meant to be, i want it over with asap. I haven't been spotting or anything one bit, so am i going to have to wait to miscarry? will i need a D&C? this is not what i expected to think about at this point in my pregnancy.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: I have no idea what will happen next but hopefully when the midwife calls you back she will answer all your questions. Were they calling you back ASAP?! Try to stay positive- hopefully you will get some good news!!
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @marionberry: no good news to report, the midwife called back and said that my numbers increased, but not enough, so i asked her what her real opinion was, in her experience, that this is pointing towards. and she said that this is most likely pointing towards a miscarriage but she is never 100% sure, and thats why she will have me come in next thurs for another ultrasound and a blood draw. Then after i hung up with her she called me back to tell me what my blood type was, in case i didnt know, in case i start to bleed heavily over the weekend. Joy.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I'm so sorry. I know that's not what you wanted to hear. As far as a miscarriage, only time will tell. Sometimes the further along you are, the more common it is to require a D&C. The positive about that is that sometimes they're able to determine if there was a chromosomal abnormality that caused it. But I'm still going to hope that maybe things look bad now but will still turn out positively.
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: Thanks - i kind of want to put it out of my mind but i don't know how.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I wouldn't know how either. Not sure it's possible. Is there something you and DH can do to keep you busy?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: just checking in to see how you are doing?? Have you had any bleeding? How are you feeling? When is your appointment on Thursday? Hope you are trying to stay positive . Xo thinking of you.
honeydew / 7909 posts
I never check this thread but something told me to read it today...
@chibee: I can relate to your u/s experience and just want to say I'm sorry. DH and I left with so many thoughts roaming through our heads because nobody knew what to do or say when we were measuring behind when I started spotting. I really wish people were more understanding when it came to these situations. *hugs* keeping you in my thoughts.
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @Ash: Thank you guys, I kind of had a mopey weekend. I felt ok Friday & Saturday, then for some reason I just could not get out of bed on Sunday and Monday, just moped around and watched lots of movies. No spotting or whatsoever, and my boobs are still killing me actually. But I read that even when the fetus stops developing, the sac can still grow and produce pregnancy hormones, causing pregnancy symptoms to continue. My appointment on Thursday is at 10:30am and I just want answers one way or another, and if the baby definitely stopped growing at 6 weeks, I think I'm ready to go ahead with the D&C, I can't stand the limbo anymore.
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: I didn't do so well keeping busy - I was so mopey this weekend! but i definitely feel better now, maybe being at work is helping me keep my mind off of it a little?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I know works help me focus on other things sometimes so I'm glad it's helping. We both have dr appts on Thursday. I'll be thinking of you!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@chibee: I have no idea how I missed notification of this thread, but oh honey, I will be thinking positive thoughts for you on Thursday. I know this is probably the last thing you want to do right now, but if you'd like to pop over to PA I will give you the biggest freaking hug ever!
papaya / 10570 posts
@chibee: Oh my goodness, I've only just seen this. Im so, so sorry
How awful. I will be thinking of you Thurs and really, really hoping for good news.
pear / 1974 posts
@StrawberryBee: @Cherrybee: Thank you for your thoughts, it's been pretty hard and I am having a hard time keeping positive but I almost want this whole ordeal over with.
The good side to this, i guess, is that now DH is all about trying, if this pregnancy has ended. He suggested every single day. Just, no. I will seriously die from exhaustion. But it's nice because we have had such difficulty being on the same page when we were ttc'ing earlier.
papaya / 10570 posts
@chibee: I guess if there is a silver lining that's it... its good that he is on the same page now and, hopefully, supporting you well. Sending lots of love. You will be at the forefront of my mind over the coming days.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@chibee: I can understand that. Good to hear that your DH is on the same page as you, and as Cherrybee said, supporting you right now. Lots of hugs sweetie.
pear / 1974 posts
I posted a thread, but i was diagnosed with a blighted ovum today and scheduled for a D&C tomorrow morning. I feel fine, weirdly, almost like closure. I actually feel better about things today than i had since last week's ultrasound. the dr said we can try as early as 2 weeks after the procedure so that's a definite plus since DH is so eager to start again. BUT I'm definitely not going back to this office. The same insensitive ultrasound tech from last week did mine again, and ANSWERED HER CELL PHONE in the middle of the procedure. I had no words. I have had nothing but bad news from this office, and since i LOVE my gyn, i will go back to her for gyn related things but for baby related stuff, i'm going to start over fresh at a new office. Thank you guys again for your support!!!
apricot / 453 posts
@chibee - so sorry, but thankful you'll feel some closure. I can't believe how awful your US tech was. I know they probably do not think they are in the "customer service" business - but they are. I'm sure your doctor would not approve of her behavior. I don't blame you for wanting/going elsewhere. But maybe so this poor behavior doesn't happen to someone else you should write a letter to your doctor or office administration and explain what happened and how you will be choosing to go elsewhere in the future.
Hang in there!
papaya / 10570 posts
@chibee: Oh no. .. Im so sad to hear this. I was thinking about you today. You WILL get your take home baby, I know it - but Im so, so sorry that this baby wasn't yours for long. Im glad you can move forward with this quickly and will be thinking of you tomorrow - do allow yourself to feel whatever you need to honey and take as long as you need. All my love.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@chibee: This actually happened to a coworker of mine, and her daughter (second pregnancy, obviously) is now celebrating her second birthday. Sometimes it's better just knowing, one way or the other, instead of being stuck in limbo. Hugs to you!
The tech's indifference is completely inexcusable. No one in the medical profession should have 'just a job'. I agree with @theknest: that a letter is in order.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I'm so sorry to hear this. At least you know exactly what happened and you get to try again so soon! I agree with the ladies that you need to write a letter to the practice. I just wrote an email to the manager of our birth center about a bad experience I had last night and she's now working to fix the issues. While it can't change what you went through, it can prevent anyone else from dealing with it, and that's important. Hugs!
pear / 1974 posts
@theknest: i usually am not so sensitive about these things, but this was a really big deal to me, it was my first pregnancy after having gone through so much to get there and i felt like it wasn't a big deal to her whatsoever. I do feel like writing a letter, maybe once all this is over i will sit down and give them a piece of my mind!
@Cherrybee: @StrawberryBee: thank you ladies - i hope all that i'm going through ends up with a happy ending. i want that so bad! I know i seem like i have a really positive, cheery outlook on things right now but it took me a couple of mopey days to get here. But i feel like i got my closure. I know this sounds weird but i almost feel better that it was a blighted ovum and not a fetus that died, since it never got to develop into an embryo i feel like there never was a baby to mourn - if that makes sense? Either way, I'll keep you guys posted after the procedure (6:30am UGH!)
papaya / 10570 posts
@chibee: I think that's a great way of looking it it. I hope today goes smoothly, lovely lady.
pear / 1974 posts
All went smoothly today (minus incompetent nurse jabbing my left hand and right arm repeatedly to put an IV in) and i slept for a good long time after, and made myself a pb&j sandwich on white bread as a treat! All in all, although it's a crappy situation, it wasn't really that bad today. I'm really hoping the bleeding is not as bad as it was with my LEEP - these pads are killing me i feel like i am wearing a huge diaper!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I'm glad to hear that it all went pretty well. Surprisingly, many nurses are not very good at putting in IVs. The one I had put in the other day was put in pretty shitty too. I'm sorry you have to wear the pads, but hopefully not for long. That sucks! I'll be wearing pads too in a week - I hate them, so gross!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: I missed your other post. I am so sorry for your loss. It sucks so bad. Your attitude is amazing though. I'm glad the procedure went well and you are both looking forward to trying again. I wish I was in NJ to give you the biggest hug. We are always here for you. Whatever you need
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: @chibee: @StrawberryBee: hey lovelies! Come and check out our September board, our beautiful friend @marionberry: just had baby Jackson
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