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nectarine / 2765 posts
@tequiero21: oh my...we transferred 2 high quality embryos on 3/15. I may change my tune later, but, twins sound great. Tell me the truth, how difficult have twins been for you?
honeydew / 7968 posts
@LMOG47: I'll tell u the truth.... U will need help! Especially the first month, especially if u r a first time mom. But, I think I'm lucky. My kids didn't get colicky or anything, so it wasn't horrible... Just lack of sleep. i think im worse than normal tho. i really really cannot function on lack of sleep. Also, I didn't really have my husband around to help.... And it was my mom who helped out and she was fantastic! No one could have helped me more. I think if u can get your mom and hubby to help, it will be so much easier! Not everyone is so lucky tho.
Can I tell u tho, I love love love having twins!!
nectarine / 2152 posts
@LMOG47: I had a beta at 15 DPO and it was over 600. I'm now almost 28 weeks pregnant with b/g twins. I'd be willing to bet a lot of money you've got a double blessing on your hands!!!!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@LMOG47: btw, I'm surprised they are making u wait so long for u/s.... I got one every week from 5-7 weeks.
@trailmix: me too! I want in!
nectarine / 2765 posts
@tequiero21: Glad to hear your mom was able to help! Can't imagine going at it alone. I hear ya on the lack of sleep! It's one of my favorite things...heh. Does it get easier as they get older? Luckily, DH is very helpful & some family is also nearby. Do you remember how soon after your positive beta's that you had your first u/s?
@trailmix: Congratulations! And, one of each, you hit the jackpot!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@LMOG47: every step has its own challenges! Both kids are starting to really walk and want to get in everything! But yeah, I think it's gotten easier. I'm getting more sleep, so I'm functioning a lot better.
I kept a journal, so yup, I know. Got beta done at 4 weeks, 1 day and got first u/s a week later, at 5 weeks, 1 day. They weren't able to confirm twins then tho. They said maybe.
nectarine / 2152 posts
@LMOG47: My first ultrasound was at 5 weeks, 6 days and they were able to confirm that there was more than one baby...good luck!
nectarine / 2433 posts
I'll join in. Hopefully this will be easier to keep up with.
What cycle are you on? 16th Cycle, 2nd IUI
What are your plans for this cycle? 2nd Fermera + IUI cycle, went for CD2 baseline monitoring this morning
How is your attitude/outlook? Blah....not sure where my head is at right now with the IF process. I'm not sure if we are doing the right thing trying IUI's with my endometriosis, it seems that there aren't many success stories....
What have you struggled with most this week? Finding out on Wednesday that our first IUI didn't work. I was feeling pretty positive about the cycle and the phone call was gutting. I didn't realize how much that phone call was going to impact me.
@LMOG47: Congrats! That is a great number for your first beta.
nectarine / 2765 posts
@mrswin: Welcome! So sorry you had such a rough time this past cycle. Managing emotions can be very difficult during the process...least it is for me. Hope this coming cycle goes much better! Be sure & keep everyone updated : )
pear / 1580 posts
@mrswin: Those phone calls are killer! I'm on the tail end of my first IUI cycle, so depending on tomorrow's beta, I'll probably be in the same boat as you--also on my 16th cycle! And yes, keep us updated on the next cycle! I hope it's the one for you.
clementine / 770 posts
Ok, i guess i can actually join this group. as much as i hate to admit it, a little bit of support from the HB ladies would not be a bad thing.
What cycle are you on- Cycle #15
What are your plans for this cycle- Not sure yet, DH is hoping i agree to go ahead with the iui
How is your attitude/outlook?-I'm still positive and hopeful we can do this on our own without medical interventions
What have you struggled with most this week-Tryimg to remail positive and eliminate fears and doubts
Diagnosis- Unexplained Infertility, Both DH and i's numbers are textbook PERFECT!
pear / 1580 posts
@beetones: We're here for you! Making the decision to try with medical interventions is a big one. Let us know what you decide to do!
apricot / 483 posts
@raintreebee: thanks! the stims definitely weren't as bad as i thought they would be in my head (at least the first one ha) - and good luck to you!
@LMOG47: congratulations!!!!
@ineebee: thinking about you for tomorrows beta!
pear / 1786 posts
Sorry for my lack of post to this thread thus far. I hope you all are doing well today!
What cycle are you on? Hopefully in the last few hours/days of cycle 17 and soon to move on to cycle 18.
What are your plans for this cycle? Hoping that my cyst that prevented us from actively TTC in cycle 16 & 17 is gone and we can go for IUI #3 in cycle 18!!!
How is your attitude/outlook? Yesterday I was so very hopeful and excited for the possibility of trying again. But today I feel really blah. I can't believe AF isn't here yet. (How rare to be looking forward to AF on an IF thread, I know!)
What have you struggled with most this week? I am very tired of waiting to TTC.
If we get to actively TTC this month it will be IUI with injectibles again. I want to give a 3rd IUI a try, hoping for 3rd times the charm here! If we don't get to try for IUI #3 soon, our next step is IVF and we might go ahead and start the consultations, etc.
Does anyone here have experience with cysts hanging around after a stim cycle? With both my IUIs I have used Menopur. I did IUI #2 in January and ended up with a cyst on my left ovary. In Feb when I went for my baseline, I was disappointed but had heard cysts can happen when using stims. We just took off that month (no treatment or intervention for the cyst.) I was actually shocked that it was still there when I went back in March. The RE did put me on BC pills for March. What is the likelihood that it will still be there? Do you know of any other treatment options if the cyst is still there? Thanks!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Beetones: I had a hard time accepting that my husband and I had made it to the point of medical interventions too. But I'm glad that we went through with it. We succeeded with our 3rd IUI. Taking that first step towards medical interventions is really hard though. Lots of luck to you!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@LMOG47: I have been slowly stating that I'm pregnant because my beta numbers were slowly climbing. But today, I had my best beta results ever. I'm totally pregnant after 20 months of trying and 3 IUIs. Lots of luck to you this week!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@ineebee: Thinking good thoughts for you tomorrow!
@mrswin: Those phone calls really are so hard. I recommend letting it go to voicemail and listening to it when you're in a soft, comfy place to lay your head down afterwards. Having chocolate and wine close by is good too.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@kentuckygirl: I'm sure it has to be so frustrating to be waiting on AF, and unsure of the status of your cyst. I sooo hope that it has gone away and you're able to move on to IUI #3. It was the charm for me - and I hope it is for you too!
As for the treatment for the cysts, I don't have anything concrete to tell you. But can you ask your doctor if this is a reaction you're having to the Menopur? And maybe if you tried another injectable like Gonal-F or Bravelle you might not develop a cyst?
pear / 1531 posts
@mrswin: I am so sorry about your failed IUI. Maybe talk to your doctor about how many more he sees as worthwhile? I have endo, and my doctor only suggested 1 or 2 IUIs. I did 3 and wished I had listened to him. Sorry, I wish I had a success story to encourage you!
@kentuckygirl: I don't have any experience with cysts delaying cycles but know it is quite common but obviously frustrating. I hope it has resolved itself.
@sweetooth: Yay for the rising beta!!!!
@ineebee: Will be thinking of you tomorrow.
@LMOG47: I am so excited for you, and keep us updated on whether you've got two in there!!
pear / 1580 posts
@raintreebee: Thank you! Hopefully I'll update in the PM with some good news. But so far, I'm predicting a BFN. I have so much energy and I feel great! Which makes me feel bad...!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@kentuckygirl: I don't have a whole lot of experience with seeing a leftover cyst on CD3 although on my IVF#1 cycle somehow a cyst had slipped by and grew to suppress everything on that side or it was a giant leading follicle. No one ever figured it out but it ruined the cycle for sure since I didn't get any eggs from my good side. I've read that HCG trigger shots like Ovidrel/Pregnyl/Novarel stick around in your system so long that they cause your smaller follicles to mature and possibly become cysts in your next cycle, which is why one of the more cutting edge clinics uses a Synarel nasal spray trigger (I think it's a form of Lupron). They use it more for mini-IVF because not having cysts allows their patients to do back-to-back cycles.
pear / 1786 posts
@sweetooth: @raintreebee: Thanks ladies!
@spaniellove: That is interesting about the Synarel! I heard your experience with a cyst and I am glad they saw mine and encouraged me to wait, but I am so ready to move on. Sorry I can't recall, when is your appointment at your new RE office?
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
@Beetones: I had a really hard time admitting it too. We're here for you!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@kentuckygirl: Tomorrow! I've been trying to come up with the right questions because I heard he doesn't let you ask a whole lot but the appointment runs at least a few hours long and gets exhausting.
nectarine / 2765 posts
@sweetooth: That is such wonderful news! Congratulations!
@INEEBEE: Good luck at your appt today, I'll be thinking of you! Let us know how how it goes.
@pastaandpotato: Thank you!
cherry / 132 posts
@ineebee: Good luck today fingers crossed.
@spaniellove: Sending good luck to you as well with your appointment. I really hope this new doctor can offer you so new ideas and that you walk away feeling like you are moving in the right direction.
As for me, in two week wait after on our first cycle with clomid. Obviously I am of course a little more hopeful that this cycle will end in a BFP, but at the same time not trying to get my hopes up. I was feeling really nauseas earlier this week like 4 DPO but think it was either the flu or a side effect. I hate that I am back at symptom spotting. In the past few months I had gotten so good about not even thinking about it during my two week wait and now I am all anxious and might even POAS at 10 DPO which I never do because I feel its is a waste of money due to the fact that I always get a BFN. Anyways sort of rambling. I just hate getting my hopes up and then feeling anxious for the disappointment that is sure to come. Thanks for reading:)
nectarine / 2433 posts
@LMOG47: I'll keep you all posted. I hope your betas have kept rising!
@ineebee: Let us know your beta results once you have them. We are here for you no matter what the result.
@sweetooth: Part of me wishes I had let it go to voicemail but I wanted to know so bad because my temp was still up that morning and I was feeling good. Wine and chocolate would be great if they both didn't result in a migraine! LOL I made due with a jackfruit milkshake my DH made for me.
@Beetones: Sorry you have to join us but this is a great place to get support, these ladies have been awesome!
@kentuckygirl: I hope your cysts have resolved so that you can move forward with your IUI.
@raintreebee: Nice to know that someone else has endo too. Did you have a lap before your treatments? I have asked to switch doctors at my clinic and plan on setting up an appointment with the new one to discuss prognosis and her thoughts on my treatment plan. IVF may not be in the cards for us because of the cost. I am also considering meeting with a Naturopath who is well know for her treatment of endo and successful pregnancies.
@spaniellove: Good luck with your appointment today!
@Suzimo: Symptom spotting is the worst kind of torture! LOL we all do it so I won't bother telling you not to. I hope you get your BFP this cycle.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Suzimo: I totally understand! Last month was my first after getting treated for MTHFR and I convinced myself it was OK to test at 7dpo and each day afterwards Not a good idea, but I was so convinced it would be positive. Today I'm also at 10dpo (and tempted!) but I've told myself I need to hold out until Thursday at least... Hope you can stay strong and not test!
pear / 1531 posts
@mrswin: I did not have a lap. I was diagnosed via ultrasound--my left ovary is "stuck." My doctor told us that the modern view is to not do laps for diagnosis or infertility (only for pain) since they can be risky (eg damaged ovaries) and recent studies don't show any increased fertility from the laps (either as a standalone treatment or prior to IVF). I read the studies myself, and I think I have concluded I am in agreement with him. I believe @twodoghouse 's doctor told her the same thing. That being said, many REs still do laps on patients. Two of my friends had them done although had to do IVF anyway.
honeydew / 7230 posts
@mrswin: Like @raintreebee said, my doctor (RE) does not recommend doing a lap for endo. However, my sister had a lap in February, at the recommendation of her doctor. She was having a LOT of pain and stomach problems, so the lap was really to clear everything out to improve her pain. She is taking a few months off from meds (hoping to get preg. naturally), with the caveat that they will start IVF early this summer if nothing happens before that. Her RE said they can wait as long as they'd like, but that he believes they will still need IVF to conceive (even after doing the lap).
honeydew / 7916 posts
@ineebee: Good luck today! Don't try to second guess yourself; just wait for the results!
@PastaAndPotato: That's awesome to hear your stims are going well! Hope that keeps up!
@mrswin: Like @raintreebee: and @twodoghouse: mentioned, I recently read someone's saga about how a lap for endo destroyed her ovary and she had no eggs left after the lap because the surgeon left no ovarian tissue. That said, I don't have as much knowledge about endo as you guys.
@kentuckygirl: @Shutterbug: @sweetooth: @Suzimo: @mrswin: Thank you guys! Will update later!
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@Beetones: welcome! My DH is in the same place as you... thinking/hoping that we can still do it without medical intervention. It's tough!
@PastaAndPotato: how's it going? Where in your cycle are you? I'm so glad to see you on here and doing IVF (!!)
@Suzimo: What DPO is it now? I try so hard not to test early but it's hard not to be a little more excited since you're trying something new. Fingers crossed for you!
@ineebee: good luck today!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@ineebee: thinking of you! I hope you get good news today.
clementine / 770 posts
@Shutterbug: Thanks.
I'm off to my RE later today to get some clearance tests before begining the iui process, for some reason, i'm super nervous...
honeydew / 7916 posts
@Beetones: Good luck! I hope all your tests turn out fine and you get the all clear to start.
My appointment is in an hour and time seems to be passing so slowly!
pear / 1580 posts
Ladies, thank you so much for your support! So here it is...
HCG: 16.7. ??? My nurse said that it's a positive, but that it's low. Average HCG level for 14 DPO is 200-300... So they're bringing me in again on Thursday. SIGH! I'm under the impression that it's probably one of three things: 1) an early miscarriage, 2) an ectopic pregnancy or 3) a regular pregnancy with just a slow-rising HCG that could catch up.
So the waiting game continues! Will update again on Thursday.
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