bananas / 9229 posts
Does anyone have any experience spotting (brown) after a Clomid cycle? This would be normal for any other cycle but I didn't think this would happen with Clomid?
eggplant / 11861 posts
@LindsayInNY: I did the first few Times I took it, I spotted for a few days and then had a real flow, it took my body a few clomid cycles to ovulate strong, I think my progestrone first time in CD21 was 9 and second was 12 .... it went 18 and above after that!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@PurplePumps: I am so sorry it was a rough, day it is so hard to except things that were not part of the plan!! ((hugs))
eggplant / 11861 posts
@Happygal: Cry away girl!!!! That is amazing news!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@EmilyE: I will be thinking of you, how far will you be?? it is solo exciting but solo nerve wracking!!!! Take a deep breath!!!!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@LindsayInNY: I still had spotting unless I was taking progesterone. I don't know if there is something that a higher dose might get rid of it? Probably worth asking the re for thoughts?
bananas / 9229 posts
@FaithFertility: I know my progesterone levels were normal on their own.
@bhbee: Ugh, that's what I was afraid of. I responded well to Clomid otherwise and this did delay the spotting, I guess?
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: Oh no! I'm so, so sorry! I'm sure disappointment doesn't even begin to describe what you're feeling. Sending you hugs!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@LindsayInNY: Good start, hopefully AF gets here so you can move on.......
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@PurplePumps: Ugh. I'm so, so sorry! That's so incredibly frustrating!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
Just wanted to chime in, both to celebrate and express sympathy. Hope to get to check in more tomorrow...
apricot / 390 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: I'm so sorry I was really pulling for you! I think freezing a sample is a good idea, in case you get to a point where you are ready to try again before he is back. I hope that your next apt. will bring you closer to some answers.
apricot / 390 posts
@FliegepilzHut: I'm so glad that you have a plan that you feel good about, that must feel so good
apricot / 390 posts
No big updates for me this week. My lap is on Thursday, and the fact that I may be finding out that we may never be able to have our own kids without IVF scares the bajeezus out of me. So, I am trying to remain calm, remind myself I have no control of the outcome at this point, and remember that if we have to wait 5 years to afford IVF or adoption, thats what we have to do.
I just committed to taking some of my high school students to Europe in 2016. I alternate between thinking I'm crazy and being super excited I've traveled and flown with kids before, so what scares me to most is the fundraising, because we live in a fairly poor community.
coconut / 8475 posts
@owlteach: it is nerve-wrecking to wait for that kind of information! Keep us updated. Fx that something besides ivf can get you pregnant. And that trip sounds fun! Exhausting but fun:) if you guys are selling chocolate bars for your fundraiser: pass them my way. Nomnomom!!!
bananas / 9229 posts
@CupQuakeWalk: I didn't ask but I don't think so. I'll be out of town for work training during the week(s) I would need to be monitored on Clomid.
@lazypanda: See above I think it would help with TI but I don't think my RE will prescribe it if I can't be monitored.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: @lazypanda: Oh no, I'm so sorry! Thinking of you ladies!!
@owlteach: Good luck on Thursday!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@owlteach: I am not sure of the details of your situation (although I'd love to learn more if you have time to tell me), so I apologize if this is totally unhelpful... but I just wanted to offer you some support. When I had my lap (in February 2012), we had been trying for 10 months and I was in the same situation as you - I was so afraid that what they would find would mean that our only path forward was IVF. My doctor suspected tube issues and endometriosis because of my pain/symptoms/inability to conceive despite very regular, ovulatory cycles - and we had a lengthy discussion pre-surgery about what my options would be if she needed to remove my tubes during surgery. Unsurprisingly, she did find that both of my tubes were blocked with endo tissue, but she was able to clear one and I am was able to keep both tubes.
My doctor gave us 6 months (so really only 3 cycles because I only have one good tube) to TTC naturally before she really wanted us to start IVF... she (and we) was worried that waiting any longer would mean more endo growth, which could very well mean that my tube would become blocked again. I was terrified because we were not prepared to spend the money on IVF and I was not mentally prepared to start treatment, but we agreed to that plan. I got pregnant with my daughter the first month post-surgery that I have O'ed from the "good" side. I believe that CatchAFallingStar also got pregnant (with IUI) the first month possible after she had a lap to remove scar tissue surrounding her ovaries.
So I hope my story will offer you a little hope and make you not feel so alone. It's scary enough to have surgery, much less to know that there is a chance that you doctor might find something "wrong." Sending you lots of ((hugs)) and well wishes for your surgery!
FWIW, my recovery was very easy - surgery Tuesday, went to a wedding Saturday (and danced! and had fun!), back to work Monday. My incisions - especially my belly button - were sore for about 3 weeks, so I had to wear yoga pants and elastic-waisted skirts for a while, but my pain was very managable with Advil within about 36 hours of the surgery.
coconut / 8475 posts
So I have some news (I guess).
This morning at 8:15, my RE office called me and asked if I'd like to come in at 11am, instead of my Friday appointment. Their tech wants Friday off so she was trying to take people early. I was stoked. Despite not sleeping all night (teething toddler), I shot out of bed!
Anyway- the tech have us as much info as she could about what she saw on the screen:
1- I have a heart shaped uterus. She said I was probably born with it. Basically, when I had LO, it was only a 33% chance. So, he's my little champ:) she also said: even if pregnancy occurs: there is a much higher chance of MC. So, I am glad this was detected before any confirmations of iui.
2- I have 40 cysts on both my ovaries. She said they're small, but still: 40 of them. She has no idea what my doctor will say about those.
The tech pretty much said, our journey will involve surgery but she doesn't know what else (definitely staying on metformin and most likely trying Clomid again once the uterus is fixed. We see the RE in 14 days. I will be on day 1-3 of my period, so hopefully we can move right along without anymore delays.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@CupQuakeWalk: That's a lot to take in. I'm sorry that you are having to deal with that, but I am glad you have some direction and maybe (?) a path forward. As I said to @owlteach: above, my surgery was not nearly as bad as I expected. I have the same hope for you. ((hugs))
coconut / 8475 posts
@septca: thank you:) I left feeling so sad that I had such a shitty reproductive system---but I am starting to feel more and more hope that this is all fixable now that we know *what* to fix.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@CupQuakeWalk: I hear you, honey. After my diagnosis, I spent a lot of time being really *angry* that my body is so f'ed up. I felt like it had let me down. After I got out of that slump, I realized that I was actually lucky to be able to understand *why* I couldn't get pregnant and to fix it.
coconut / 8475 posts
@mrs. bird: I wanted to ask---are they going to give you any testing after the foley balloon is removed to check on the situation? Or is it pretty much a given that it'll stayed fixed?
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@CupQuakeWalk: I have a heart shaped uterus too. My doctor never made a big deal of it. I'm so sorry about the cysts love.
coconut / 8475 posts
@septca: it's true. Having something to fix is better than just not knowing what's wrong:)
bananas / 9628 posts
@CupQuakeWalk: that's a lot to process! what sort of scan was it? a regular one or a 3D? do you know if it's on the outer portion of the uterus (bicournuate) or that the inner cavity is heart shaped (septate)? did she give you the measurements of the dip? those are all key pieces to know. is the surgery to get rid of some of the cysts or for the uterus? my understanding is that there is no surgical correction or bicournuate uterus, but septate uterus often requires a resection to get rid of the septum (i just did that). it's SOOOOOO varied depending on the severity of the abnormality, please let the dr go over their findings before you go too far googling & freak yourself out, they may tell you it's better than you think
bananas / 9628 posts
@CupQuakeWalk: we were typing at the same time yes, after the balloon is removed they will have to reassess the shape of my uterus and if they need to take more of the septum out. she said she wants to do another HSG, but the HSG can't show the issue as well which is why i had to have the 3D scan to diagnose the septum (sometimes MRIs are used for this), so i'm going to fight her to just do another 3D scan, the HSG made me want to hurt people i have a VERY small uterus to begin with, so the septum was a very large portion of my uterine cavity. i have a pic on my phone of the 3D scan that shows it pretty well, i can post it, just give me a min to black out my info on it
bananas / 9628 posts
@CupQuakeWalk: alright, so the lighter color is the uterine cavity, it should look like an upside down pear, it's roughly circled in black. The red circling the darkened area is the septum that shouldn't be there, it should be open.
coconut / 8475 posts
@mrs. bird: thanks for that info! And i'd love to see a pic. Ok, to answer your Qs: it is a bicornuate. She didn't give me the measurements but she did say "it is a moderate dip, not the worst case scenario." She said the surgery would involved a balloon and it would be to fix the bicornuate uterus. She also said: it was one of those things where the doctor wouldn't know how bad it was until he was already in there. I am really trying to just ignore everything that happened today and wait until I hear the final decision that my doctor makes (yes, I am letting him do whatever he decides to do! I am pulling out all the stops at this point). Also, I had a 3-D ultrasound as well as the HSG today (that's the saline in the uterus thing right?)
@littlek: Interesting you'd say that! My u/s tech told me that even if I *did* get pregnant with a bicornuate uterus, i'd have a lessen chance of making it to full term. I did with E, but he has obviously implanted in an area far enough away from the 'dip' in the uterus.
coconut / 8475 posts
@mrs. bird: wow. So interesting! Mine looked very similar but it was heart shaped pretty much. I would be very,very interested to see your HSG photo *after* (at the follow-up scan).
I just googled this (since I didn't think to take a phone pic). My uterus looked EXACTLY like photo "C":
eta: for anyone interested: image "A" is a normal uterus.
bananas / 9229 posts
@CupQuakeWalk: Wow, that is a lot of news! You seem to be processing it all well, which is a really good thing! And the fact that there are steps to go from here definitely helps!
persimmon / 1085 posts
@SunshineMcC: I had a huge cyst after an IUI/Clomid cycle (was 28mm day before the IUI) and my RE had said they generally just go away. Well, mine ruptured the day after my IUI and I had excruciating pain. I went to the ER, and they found out that mine was filled with blood, not clear fluid so it caused some issues and I had to have surgery the next month. This is not common, though. Usually they are the clear fluid and not a big deal. But yes, it can hurt if it does pop! I would definitely take the recommendation to avoid that if possible! Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions!!
@CupQuakeWalk: Glad you got some answers so you can work towards dealing with these things and moving forward!! Does that many cysts mean PCOS? What will they do in that case, I wonder?
coconut / 8475 posts
@Jenn23: We already knew I had PCOS just based on my glucose testing and the fact that my levels are not responding, even to 2,000/day Metformin. She just said, "oh, cysts, no surprise there. But, I wonder what, if anything, he'll want to do about that because they are teenie tiny." When I asked more, she said," as long as they aren't growing, he tends to just leave them."
pear / 1846 posts
@CupQuakeWalk: really glad to hear you have some answers even though that is such a lot to process!
@owl teach: hugs and hoping yo get the same good news as catchafallingstar and septca did soon.
Well I am 11dpo and started with mild cramps yesterday, my temps are still up but that is most likely the progesterone and now I am annoyed at my self for even having hope for this cycle, plus I am not looking forward to having to test on 14dpo in order to stop the progesterone. I'm usually a wait till AF type of girl!
coconut / 8475 posts
@Snowdrop: Thank you for your well wishes testing to end Progesterone is the worst:( But I am hopeful for you that that test will only be positive :))
p.s: I am sure you already know this, but progesterone can cause cramping sometimes too, so don't tie it to AF just yet.
bananas / 9628 posts
I will come back later to chat more individually, I just need to whine for a minute. I'm so friggin uncomfortable! I've been waking 3hrs round the clock to take meds, so I'm tired, the antibiotics are making me sick, I have a low grade temp every time I try to do anything, I'm dizzy when i stand up, the bleeding is getting worse not better (through an overnight pad & my pants last night ), digestion feels like it's going to push my uterus out the front of me, the balloon is pushing on my bladder & I can't stop peeing, the end with the valve keeps falling out of my hooha & I have to push it back up there which is uncomfortable. Whaaaa I can't even take any good meds until I get home tonight sorry, I just needed to complain for a minute. I wanna go to bed!
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