Hellobee Boards


IF Check In - 5/15

  1. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Mrs. Pinata: Prayers to you!!!! Anything is possible!!!! Believe!!!!! As I know you do, if not then you would not be given it a try!!!

  2. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @mrs. bird: I'm happy your surgery went well and I'm so, so happy for Mr Bird's new job!! That's such great news!!

    @Snowdrop: So happy your HSG got approved/referred! Whoo hoo!

    @CupQuakeWalk: I'm sorry you had a rough day yesterday. I hope you feel a LOT better after you plan appt; that's what always helps me, having a plan and something to look forward to.

    @Mrs. Pinata: Whoohoo! That's great that you got to have the iui done!! Hoping your TWW goes by quickly!

  3. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @mrs. bird: You guys are a riot!!! So glad that your surgery went well! Hopefully this will be "it" for you guys...but if more surgery is necessary, that won't be the worst thing either. (Silly question: have you and DH talked about surrogacy vs. adoption, if it were necessary? It's okay not to answer, if that's too personal.)

    @Mrs. Pinata: FX for your IUI and TWW!

    @Happygal: @lazypanda: @Kelli_Deluxe: @Faithfertility: @bhbee: @TheReelDeal: @CatchaFallingStar: @EmilyE: Thinking of all you ladies!

    @Snowdrop: That is amazing! I don't have a crafty bone in my body, sadly...

    So further updates...I'm very satisfied and happy with my new RE!!! She pretty much immediately set me at ease and all of the clinic staff have been very pleasant and helpful so far. I am officially "unexplained" and she said that she wishes more folks could pursue IVF upfront, rather than as a "last resort," because the odds of success are so much higher. I will go up for a orientation on 6/5 as well as some blood testing (HIV, etc., which has to be current within 1 year), an SHG, and mock transfer. If at all possible, DH will come with me and get blood work drawn as well and do one add'l SA. They do IVF continuously (don't "batch" patients together), so I assume that my actual start date will be arranged to accommodate my work schedule as best as possible.

    I am, needless to say, VERY excited!!! I have also had a few twinges of "is this really necessary?"...but here I am, 23 months after a D+C for missed m/c...and never another BFP.... So I could either continue to wait...and wait...with an unknowable outcome, or I can charge ahead. I have a lot of confidence in this program and am quite sure that they can get me pregnant. I'm ready...so, we go!

  4. Mrs. Pinata

    blogger / pear / 1563 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: That's great news! I hope you can start sooner rather than later!

  5. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @Sunshine1810: Your timeline (that you described on a different thread) looks like what my RE described to me...3 weeks of Lupron (and I guess FSH drugs for the last week?). What meds will you be taking? How did your first day of injections go? I will be running 4-6 weeks behind you, I bet!

  6. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: I am glad you like her! That makes a huge difference!!!! Praying you can start super soon!

  7. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: I'm excited for you!! First couple days of shots have been very easy. Much easier than I thought! In 2 weeks I'll start taking Gonal-f and Menopur. Do you know what you'll be taking yet?

  8. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @Mrs. Pinata: @FaithFertility: Thanks to you both! Hopefully I'll know more about my probable start date in the next week or so...if not, then after my orientation? Not quite sure about that... At any rate, I think it will be soon!

    @Sunshine1810: Thanks! I don't know yet...probably willl find out when the nurse calls... Did you have your protocol laid out before or after your orientation/teaching? I'm so glad your first couple of days have been uneventful! I'm now back on BCP for the first time in 2.5 years....so far so good with that. Look forward to hearing from you as your cycle progresses!!!

  9. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: I felt SO strange starting BCP again after over 4 years off of it! It seemed counterproductive . I found out what my meds were before teaching. They were delivered to me on 05/09 and then I met with the nurse on 05/14. I'll definitely keep you updated along the way!

  10. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @Sunshine1810: Counterproductive, maybe...but at least now I'm no longer on cycle watch! I will wait a few days (or a week)...and if I don't get a call by then, I'll touch base with the clinic just so I know what to expect. BTW-- while I guess I'm legit now...I find the IVF thread kind of intimidating (it's SO LONG!)!!! Wonder if we should organize that by year or season (as in starting an IVF Spring/Summer 2014 thread)? Or maybe the crazy length is a good thing???

  11. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    Faithfertility: Due Date 12/17, saw heartbeat 5/1!
    Kelli_Deluxe: BFP on 5/4 & 5/5; Beta #1: 66 Beta #2: 124
    Bhbee: BFP on 5/4, 5/5, 5/6, & 5/7; beta #1: 73 beta #2: 185
    Catchafallingstar: due date 1/15/15
    EmilyE: BFP 5/12, beta #1: 79, beta #2: 226
    TheReelDeal: BFP

    Hanging Out
    Mrs. Polish

    Happygal: injectables, trigger, & IUI, beta #1: 36, beta #2: 5/19
    LindsayInNY: clomid, TI (IUI cancelled); POAS 5/18
    Mrs. PiƱata: clomid, IUI 5/16, POAS?

    alohaorchid: new RE appt in June
    PurplePumps: on Femara cycle, IUI next week
    MrsWin: 5/27 IVF protocol appt; IVF in June/July
    Leialou: on Lupron & Vivelle patches for IVF in May, two weeks from transfer
    Jenn23: hysteroscopy 5/12, IVF in late July
    doxielove: HSG 5/9--> all clear!
    owlteach: laparoscopy on 5/22
    mrs. bird: 5/16 surgery to remove uterine septum, 5/21 follow up to remove foley cath balloon, will be taking 2 months off TTC, followed by medicated IUI
    bluestripedbee: on BCP while waiting for leukocyte test; gearing up for IUI cycle
    FliegepilzHut: orientation 6/5, blood testing (HIV, etc.), an SHG, and mock transfer
    Snowdrop: will start mucodyne to help with cm and hcg injections 3,5,7&9 dpo
    Mrs. Bunchy: RE appt 5/20
    Warbler: 5/7 HSG clear, no polyp!
    Boopers: will be taking pregnitude and getting cd3 and cd22 bloodwork
    CupQuakeWalk: last of testing on 5/23, meeting with RE 10 days later
    Kelli_Deluxe: first u/s and OB appt in 4 weeks
    EmilyE: u/s on 5/20 and beta #3
    Mrs Tal: med free cycles planned x3, then IVF? (in August)
    Bhbee: first u/s and last RE appt 5/20 or 5/21
    Sunshine1810: Mock transfer 5/12, Injections class 5/14, start injections on 5/16, FET week of 6/9
    MrsMcd: 5/13 WTF consult: CD3 & CD21 bloodwork, may try 3 rounds of clomid with TI
    GreenThumb: will start BCP for FET in July
    Shutterbug: new RE appt 5/23

    Life & Updates
    BhBee: new house, new car, and new life in Texas, birthday month!
    PurplePumps: upcoming vacation to Jordan
    Leialou: passed the Real Estate exam
    MrsWin: vacation to Spain & France
    alohaorchid: brand new house being built, new job?
    Mrs. Bunchy: getaway vacation to Florida
    doxielove: paid off high interest student loan; obtained CMA!
    Warbler: looking for new job
    Happygal: camping trip for wedding anniversary!
    lazypanda: wedding anniversary and birthday month!
    LindsayinNY: new job!
    MrsTal: applying for Infertility treatment grant
    Sunshine1810: new golden puppy!
    Boopers: interview for new job in 2 weeks!
    Kelli_Deluxe: approved to transfer housing!
    FaithFertility: graduated from RE clinic!
    TheSwissWifeStyle: getting new tattoo of koi and lotus

  12. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    Thank you for the well wishes ladies! Unfortunately, overly anxious me called the advice nurse this morning and my betas were 13. Doesn't sound promising which is why I put myself on the hanging out category. I was able to meet my friend's new baby today as well as an impromptu outing with my baby niece so it was a nice distraction while DH had to work.

    Again looking at 3 new positives:

    1. Sperm did meet egg, so I know I can get pregnant.
    2. I got my IF sock/polish swap today!
    3. I have a DH who has been wonderfully supportive and protective of me throughout this journey.

  13. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @lazypanda: I'm sorry to hear that. Those are great positives, though! Glad you enjoyed hanging out with the babies. Hang in there, lady!

  14. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: yay for a great RE/IVF consult! It sounds so promising!

    @LindsayinNY: I'm excited for tomorrow's update from you!

    @Septca: I've still got FX that this cycle will be for you following your chemical. If this cycle is over, then I think I'll "try" to not test and just wait for AF instead. Also, I think @EmilyE thought she was out when she o'd from the "wrong" side but she got her BFP this cycle!

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: a koi and lotus with 3 petals sounds awesome! My mom always tries to make me eat lotus seeds in soups because its supposed to be restorative for health purposes. Also, during a Chinese tea ceremony, lotus seeds and red dates are placed in the tea as they represent the couple having kids quickly.

    @Kelli_Deluxe: I'm not in SoCal but lived there when I was in college and grad school. I have a few friends who are in the marines and Pendleton is where they were previously stationed. One of my friends retired from the marines and another became an attorney for the Marines. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that there is a cancellation or they find it in their hearts to move up your appt date!

    @MrsTal: boo about the clinical study. I do hope that you get the grant! I totally laughed when I read about the frozen vibrator!

    @Happygal: Sending positive and relaxing vibes over to you. I was googling guided imagery scripts and found this one for you:
    http://www.innerhealthstudio.com/relaxation-during-pregnancy.html (Are we allowed to link in our posts?). I've recorded myself reading the scripts (not the pregnancy one) so that I could play it to myself. Here's a guided imagery for pregnancy audio from Kaiser (http://www.healthjourneys.com/kaiser/healthyPregnancy_flash.asp). It's free, it actually sounds very relaxing, plus sometimes listening to myself feels weird.

    @bluestriped bee: ooo, taking a photography class sounds like a great activity. I hope you get the results from your DH's test soon.

    @Jenn23: thank you! I'm happy to hear of low beta success stories. I'm just accepting that if it happens, it happens, if it doesn't, we still have options.

    @CupQuakeWalk: No one should expect to be happy all the time. Sometimes, we need to wallow in our sadness/disappointment so that we can then refuel and appreciate the positives. Hopefully, the 3 month plan will be something that works for you!

    @Snowdrop: yay for a free HSG! I hope it goes well for you. Maybe your doctor's statement about the 2 year mark is for women like me who have very few cycles in a given year. Also, that is such a cute romper! I tried to crochet and knit before but I think I must be ADHD because I can never finish what I've started with yarn. I love arts and crafts when it can be completed in an hour or so.

    @mrs. bird: I'm glad the surgery went well. Hooray for Mr. Bird's job! Does he know what the health benefits will cover? & sitting on dirty toilet seats made me laugh. Reading through everyone's posts has given me the much needed laughter I need today!

    @Mrs. Pinata: Yay for getting the IUI and now going to the TWW. FX for you!

  15. Mrs. Pinata

    blogger / pear / 1563 posts

    @lazypanda: I'm sorry about your low beta. Hopefully it's just starting low! I'll still be thinking about and praying for you. I love that you still listed 3 VERY GOOD positives! That attitude NEVER hurts!

  16. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @lazypanda: I'm so sorry about your low beta:( will there be another? It could still all work out! I have my FX that it is just a case of a miscalculated O and is just very early.

  17. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    @lazypanda: I'm so sorry about your low beta. Hoping maybe they start out low but get better. Glad the vibrator comment made you laugh tho.

    @FliegepilzHut: I'm happy your new RE is going to work out! I'm excited to see your ivf experience. We are hoping to start soon. Scheduled our ivf consult for Friday so we will see what the doc says.

  18. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @MrsTal: That's really exciting! I hope you have an equally good experience! I'll be thinking of you and will definitely keep you updated.

  19. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @lazypanda: Oh, I want high numbers for you! When will you go back in? As always, I admire your positive spirit about it all. Thank you for sharing those links with me.

    @lindsayinny: any updates?

    @mrs. bird: hope your recovery is going well!

    @FliegepilzHut: so glad you have a great new RE! I'm excited for you, too!

  20. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @Happygal: How are you doing?

  21. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @Happygal: Noticed a smidge of brown today. So kinda neutral feeling now. Don't want to be optimistic or convinced AF will be arriving. I don't know.

  22. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    Sending lots of , , and hugs to you all!!!

  23. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @lazypanda: Hang in there lady, there are women on these boards I know that had 11, 13 and lower even 8 I believe! It is so hard! Stay positive, I'm glad DH is awesome! That helps! Praying for you!

  24. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @Mrs. Pinata: @CupQuakeWalk: @MrsTal: @Happygal: @FliegepilzHut: @FaithFertility: Thank you. Yesterday was my day to wallow. Today is a new day and I'm looking forward to drinking my wedding wine for my anniversary! I've started spotting so AF should arrive at some point soon I think.

    @LindsayInNY: I'm hoping that your spotting is IB.

  25. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @lazypanda: Thinking positive, growing thoughts for you!!

  26. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Some faint brown spotting this morning/today (on and off) just turned into a swipe of red. I'm basically at the "AF is coming" point, despite feeling a bit sick and tired and everything else. My LP was better and not full of spotting. But the new job likely means we can do IUI either June or July because I'll be out of town. So that kinda sucks. I'm hoping August doesn't conflict with things... Ugh. It is what it is...

  27. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @LindsayInNY: any plan on when you'll test?

    eta: damn, I just saw your update. I guess you were typing the same time I was.

    I am so sorry:( I know you don't want to hear this right now, but the positive is: Clomid made you O in a timely manner! Many won't even have any reaction at all to a low dose of Clomid and have to move on to high dosages with nasty side effects. So check that off your list because the iui would have been pointless anyway if the Clomid didn't work.

  28. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @CupQuakeWalk: No, I know. I'm trying to look at the plus side of things. Clomid made things run a little better with minimal pre-AF spotting and everything. It just stinks that we'll have to go back to the natural route for a bit now...

  29. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    @lazypanda: hugs, my friend. You are in my thoughts. Please wall me if you need any additional support. I'm still in the thick of the CP pain, so my heart goes out to you.

  30. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @lazypanda: you remind me of my mom. That has always been her advice--take the time to wallow and really feel the pain, then chin up and move forward. It doesn't always work that way, I know.

    @FliegepilzHut: I'm doing ok--thanks for asking! I've let myself stress about things (including our living and financial situation), so I'm trying to get a handle on that and enjoy things us much as I can.

    I've realized I'm going to have to change some of my ways--I often skip breakfast and just drink coffee, and I tried that today with not great results. I also signed up for the gym, so now my doctor, husband, and the 18 year old gym sales guy know I'm pregnant! I head to the doctor tomorrow for my second beta.

    @linsdayinny: I'm sorry the timing means an IUI is out. But maybe TI will do the trick for you! I know it's disappointing, and hope you can do something that makes you happy tonight.

  31. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Happygal: It was/still is so hard for me to eat breakfast, my food adversions are awful!

    Thinking of you, praying for great betas

  32. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @LindsayInNY: Hope the next months are full of new job joy and good old TI KEEP us posted, you never know!!!!

  33. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    I hate to turn this thread into a downer, but I'm out. I had dark brown spotting last night and I just knew. ER for many hours this morning confirmed; hcg is at 2. I'm not feeling as sad as I thought, just very frustrated. There are a lot of Why's going through my mind.

    I may not be super active on this thread the next couple months; DH leaves in 2 weeks and I just need a game plan or answers to feel better once he's away

  34. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @lazypanda: Thinking of you

  35. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @LindsayInNY: We'd both better be pregnant next time you come to State. I'd like to *not* have sushi together

    @Happygal: lol! the gym guy.

    @Kelli_Deluxe: oh honey:( I am so, so, so sorry You are in my thoughts

    Jeez guys---we've hads tons of good and tons of bad and it's not even Monday yet. TTC just sucks with it's inconsistencies and ambiguity.

  36. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: I'm so sorry... Please do whatever it takes to feel better. And please let us know if there's anything at all we can do to help. Thinking of you!

  37. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @LindsayInNY: oh, I forgot to ask: are they still giving you Clomid June and July even though you won't be doing iui?

  38. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @Happygal: Good for you joining a gym! Hopefully that will help you de-stress... I have my FX for a good 2nd beta tomorrow!

  39. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: Don't apologize at all, one of the great things I find about this thread is all the support for the ups and downs of what we are going through. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Keeping you in my thoughts.

    @LindsayInNY: If this cycle is not it for you, I do hope TI will be helpful. Is it possible for you to be on clomid and TI again? I'm still keeping my FX that you won't even have to find that out though.

    @septca: Thank you. I really appreciate the gesture. I am trying to focus on the fact that this is the first time in almost 18 months that I got to get betas done where the level was >5. How are you doing with the endometriosis? When will your OB check on that for you?

    @Happygal: Your mom must be an awesome woman if I remind you of her! (I'm joking by the way). But seriously, I truly believe that positive thinking begets positive results. So, with that in mind, I'll be sending my positive thoughts for everyone on this thread, especially for tomorrow's betas for you!

  40. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: really sorry to hear this. I hope you get something together in the next couple of weeks.

    @lazypanda: your attitude really is an inspiration!

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