You know, baby crack is not unlike other drugs. You build up a tolerance to your usual dose, and have to search for harder and harder stuff, and have to get more and more... Which is why I have been looking at strollers, although there's no LO in sight for us for a while! I need more baby crack!

Anyway, here's my question. I hope to be a babywearer, and we'll probably register for/invest in a few different types of slings and carriers so we can find what works for our LO. Yesterday I was reading a lot about strollers and all the different options, and I thought, if we plan on wearing the baby as much as possible, how important is a stroller? How does that affect what kind of stroller we'd get? For example, I don't feel like a travel system would be that necessary because ideally the baby would be going in a carrier out of the car rather than snapping into a stroller. I almost wonder if we need a stroller at all for the first 6 months... or is this crazy unrealistic?