If you are breastfeeding and planning to return to work, how often do you give LO a pumped bottle?

We were doing a pumped bottle every evening, supposedly to make sure she would keep taking the bottle so she's ready for daycare. She won't be in daycare until she is 7 months old, she's 3 months now. I realized we were starting to use the evening daily bottle as a crutch to get us through the fussy witching hour and that it probably wasn't a good thing that I was unable to reliably breastfeed for any given 24-hour cycle. (Particularly worried about this for our upcoming vacation, for which I'd really love to leave all the pumping/feeding stuff at home). So, for the last few days we went through a concerted effort to wean her off the bottle and back onto the boob, which was fraught with some screaming and tears (not all of them LO's) but I think we are through it now. We have now gone 3.5 days without a bottle and LO seems much happier about the exclusive boob feeding.

But now I'm wondering, do I just stop pumping entirely? Or pump solely to add to my freezer stash? (I've got a solid freezer stash already). Or start giving her a bottle every few days or something? What is your approach?